

小数点后的数字是产生缺货的那一次的多余库存与那次需求的比例.SAP有个例子(是说明第二个字段的), 如下:Calculation of the range of coverage: Starting from the current plant stock, the requirements are deducted one after the other along the time axis. This is done until there is a shortage (requirement > stock). The range of coverage is then the number of workdays between todays date and the date of the requirement that causes the shortage minus one day. The value after the decimal point is the ratio between the opening stock on the day of the shortage and the requirement on the day of the shortage.Stock = 240 pcsPurchase orders are included in the days' supply, but not purchase requisitions1st day: Purchase order for 50 pcs => Stock = 290 pcsRequirement for 90 pcs => Stock = 200 pcs2nd day: Purchase requisition for 80 pcs => Stock = 200 pcs (remains)Requirement for 120 pcs => Stock = 80 pcs3rd day: Requirement for 100 pcs => ShortageRange of coverage = 3 workdays minus 1 + 80/100= 2 + 0,8= 2,8
第1个回答  2013-12-03
第2个回答  2013-12-03
1.应该是没有DEFINE, 因为俺们公司是小于0才显示红灯.2.不一定, 但绝大部分是由于根本没有可见的需求造成的. 你可一点开一个物料看看她的stock/requirements list MD04 individule