求 再被狐狸骗一次 英文版的翻译


这个故事是沈石溪动物小说里的,我看过。 看了翻译后 望采纳~~ (我打了好久了)

I am from Shanghai in Xishuangbanna when the Educated Youth Day third, is the fox once.

That day, I to Meng mixed town market, bought a seven kg heavy Capon, preparation evening boil soup to drink. Evening, I alone with chicken, with the rays of the setting sun, along with the beast footprint ancient river back to Manguang Lane stockade. Ancient river rare quiet, can not see the shadow. Turned the Bay Road, suddenly, I saw a fox are give dying kicks ten paces in front of a piece of riprap Beach: it is foaming at the mouth, villous Zi Zhang, scapular convulsions; see me panic, it got up and tried to escape, but just stand up and weak fell. The falling posture vivid with no chink in one's armour, was carried down to the ground, "Dong" sound, afterbrain slammed on the cobbles. It just lying on the ground, the facial features, the butterfly blaze contorted in pain, despair and looked at me, I see very clearly, that is the only adult male foxes, hair thick, bright color, like a big red gold satin. I be overcome by one's feelings have a want to tackling desire and impulse, the precious fox really let me be envious, don't pick up white pick, greed small cheap psychology for everyone. Besides, to capture a fox, also can make my future after his son had in front of her son hero have bragging rights, what is there against it?

I will be in the hands of the Capon resting beside a banana tree, Capon tied to the legs and wings with string, and then could not fly away,, I Kudai off tie into a circle, the only still linger in the fox went to. Be at one's last gasp caught a fox, is a sure catch, too easy, I think. I walked to the riprap beach, lift the belt ring just to Fox neck set to go, suddenly, a fox "live" come over, a waist, quickly turned up, swiftly from my nose ran out. This is absolutely surprise cadaveric reprocessed, and I jumped out of my skin. At this time, to chicken fear behind the crow, I quickly turned to look, terrified, a belly hung only breast black ears mother fox is wild banana tree bite my big Capon Capon, tied the knot actually, lost any resistance and escape ability, for mother the fox, certainly than the drill into the cage to catch chickens more convenient. I bent down to pick up the piece of stone throwing in the past, but already late, mother fox live chicken neck, great strides towards the dry run and go across the ancient river. But the dead male fox circle, on the other side and slip of mother fox victory rendezvous, a gripper head, a Diao chicken, side by side. They ran into the woods, the Fox also turned toward I squeezed a wink, the red and white chic tail queer-looking toward me shake two times, also don't know is still in the acknowledgements. I am foolish eye, make me on the spot. I want to pick up Fox's cheap, only to be picked up cheap fox! I become dejected and despondent back to the stockade, the road experiences to tell the mayor, he laughed and said: "this ghost fox, see you face protein net, dressed in elegant, know that you are just from the city to the student body, dare to play a trick to deceive you." I heard a heart is not the taste, in addition to the failure of the frustration, being angry, but also feel a dynasty was Xiaoqiao resentment.

Several months later in the morning, I went to the river to wood, in a withered tree before the fall, I smelled a foxy flavour. I opened the wormwood, with chopper pull all of a sudden, a fox "wind" of the a deep from the root down a hole to flee, "squeak slipped" fled past my feet; red and white tail, the facial features, a butterfly spot, is not the only means to cheat death my big capon male fox?

This guy fled from me twenty meters away, suddenly like vines caught on the legs, and fell, like a ball was hit several times, facing me, fox crooked mouth grin, hissing smoke air, like back pain can not stand. It turned to flee, just a step, he loudly cry roar, it seems Wei with legs, body reel right and left standing instability, hind leg raised, in situ around. That way, as long as I like carrying firewood knife head walk past, it is also very easy to easily able to chop off.

I can see right through it is to repeat the stock tricks, to tempt me to go and catch it; as long as I approached it, it will immediately waist not painful, leg also not lame, also fled to flow faster than rabbits. Want me to second times the same as, is a fond dream! I think, the fox and on I cheat in the same way, the purpose is very clear, is to deceive me from tree hole, the hole is definitely the fox to its den, the mother fox nive out of ten also stay in the hole. I guess, just like last time, the fox with dead way fooled me, mother fox will complete the cheat behind my back. My hand didn't mention the Capon, no other things to eat, whether they want to deceive me, I don't know, but one thing is certain, they are absolutely cooperate tacit understanding to fool me once. At this moment, I want to go after the fox, let liar at their deception abortion, let it know the pain of failure, a kind of revenge is not very interesting!

I sneer, instead of chasing the fox, also towards the tree hole close to the two step, the lift the sword sharp, waiting at the entrance, as long as the mother fox a head, I will plunge a knife down, to which a beheaded! A Capon change a fox, earn more.

Male fox limping behind more calendar harm, called
第1个回答  2013-11-15
I am from Shanghai inXishuangbannawhen theEducated Youth Day third,is the foxonce.
That day,I to Meng mixed town market,bought a sevenkg heavy Capon,preparation eveningboil soupto drink.Evening,I alone with chicken,with the rays of the setting sun,along with thebeastfootprintancient riverback toManguangLanestockade.Ancient river rare quiet,can not see theshadow.Turned the Bay Road,suddenly,I saw afox aregive dying kicksten paces in front of apiece of riprap Beach:it is foaming at the mouth,villous Zi Zhang,scapular convulsions;see mepanic,itgot up and tried to escape,butjust stand upand weak fell.The falling posture vividwith no chink in one's armour,was carried down to the ground,"Dong" sound,afterbrainslammed on the cobbles.It just lying on the ground,the facial features,the butterfly blazecontorted in pain,despair and looked at me,I see very clearly,that is the only adult male foxes,hairthick,bright color,like a big red gold satin.Ibe overcome by one's feelingshavea want to tacklingdesire and impulse,the precious fox really letme be envious,don't pick up white pick,greed small cheap psychologyfor everyone.Besides,to capture a fox,also canmake my future after his son hadin front of her sonhero have bragging rights,what is there against it?
Iwill be in the handsof the Capon restingbeside a banana tree,Capontied to the legs and wingswith string,and thencould not fly away,,IKudai offtieinto a circle,theonlystill linger in the fox went to.Be at one's last gaspcaught afox,isa sure catch,too easy,I think.I walked to the riprap beach,lift the belt ring justto Fox neck set to go,suddenly,a fox"live" come over,a waist,quickly turned up,swiftlyfrom my nose ran out.This is absolutely surprise cadaveric reprocessed,and I jumped out of my skin.At this time,tochickenfearbehindthecrow,Iquickly turnedto look,terrified,abellyhungonlybreastblack earsmotherfox iswildbanana treebitemy bigCaponCapon,tied theknot actually,lostanyresistance and escapeability,for motherthe fox,certainly than thedrillinto the cageto catch chickensmore convenient.I bent down to pick up thepiece of stone throwing inthe past,but already late,mother fox live chicken neck,great strides towards the dryrun and go across the ancient river.But the dead malefox circle,on the other side and slip ofmother fox victory rendezvous,agripperhead,aDiaochicken,side by side.They ran into the woods,the Foxalso turned toward I squeezed a wink,the red and whitechic tailqueer-lookingtoward me shaketwo times,also don't know isstill in the acknowledgements.I amfoolish eye,make me on the spot.I want topick up Fox's cheap,only to be picked up cheap fox!Ibecome dejected and despondentback tothe stockade,the road experiences to tell themayor,helaughed and said:"this ghostfox,see you face protein net,dressed in elegant,know that you are justfrom the city to the student body,dare to play a trick todeceive you."Iheard a heart is not the taste,in addition tothe failure of the frustration,being angry,but also feel a dynastywas Xiaoqiao resentment.
Several months later in the morning,I went to the river to wood,ina withered tree before the fall,I smelled afoxy flavour.I opened thewormwood,with chopperpullall of a sudden,a fox"wind" of the adeepfrom the rootdownaholeto flee,"squeak slipped"fledpast myfeet;red and whitetail,the facial features,abutterflyspot,is nottheonlymeans tocheatdeathmybigcaponmalefox?This guy fled from me twentymeters away,suddenlylike vines caught on the legs,and fell,like aball was hit several times,facing me,fox crooked mouth grin,hissing smoke air,like back pain can not stand.It turned to flee,just a step,he loudly cry roar,it seems Wei with legs,bodyreel right and leftstanding instability,hind leg raised,in situ around.That way,as long as I like carryingfirewood knifeheadwalk past,itis also very easy to easilyable to chop off.
Ican see right through it is torepeat the stock tricks,to tempt me to go and catchit;as long as I approached it,it will immediately waistnot painful,leg also notlame,also fled to flowfasterthan rabbits.Wantme to second times the same as,is afond dream!I think,the fox and on I cheat inthe same way,the purpose is very clear,is todeceive me fromtreehole,the holeis definitelythe fox to its den,the mother foxnive out of tenalso stay in the hole.I guess,just like last time,the fox with dead wayfooled me,mother fox willcomplete thecheatbehind my back.My hand didn't mentionthe Capon,no other things to eat,whether they want to deceive me,I don't know,but one thing iscertain,theyare absolutely cooperate tacit understanding tofool me once.At this moment,I want to go after the fox,let liar at their deception abortion,let it know the pain of failure,a kind of revengeis notvery interesting!
I sneer,instead of chasing the fox,also towards the treehole close to the two step,thelift the swordsharp,waiting at the entrance,as long asthe mother fox a head,I will plunge a knife down,to which a beheaded!A Capon change a fox,earn more.
Male fox limping behind the increasinglyfierce,make more sorrow,the mouthspit outfroth a round,good crooked towardhere near several meters.I'm stillignore it.Well,don't say youjust lame in one leg,just foaming at the mouth,is the four legislame,rolling her eyes lyingmotionlesson the ground,was going tolet me once again.After a while,the fox will understandita trick to deceive me,put the dangle aleg down,bending the waist straight,and no pain in a circular motion,squatting on the ground,looked atme,eyes sad,"yo - yo -" sharpthefox's mouthout a piercing howl,appear toeat one's heart out.
Anxiety,despair,you deserved it.Do you thinkthe face white city studentswa so easy to cheat?See you darelook down uponmy knowledge youth!
The foxsatin a dozen meters away from mein the bushes,I hold thewood cutter squatting in the tree hole,the mother foxcurled up under the tree hole,so wewent on for ten minutes.Suddenly,the fox to shout oneself hoarsehowl sound,jump,to a small tree to hitit flutter jump postureand usually is not the same,four claw wrapped tightlyin the stomach,head out in front;"Dong" sound,his face ithit the tree trunk,an ear open,right in the face from the eyelidto chin was rough barkrubbedbadly mutilated.It stood up,and a bite on his front legsbent,violent shake,"hissing" sound,front inner andbreast is it alive andtearoff a piece ofpalm size skin,skin not completelydown,hanging in the chest,dangling,red bloodfrom the wounddiffuse,put the piece of leather dyes red,like thesurface ofthesmall red flagfluttering in the wind,that look funny and frightening.
The male fox,must be crazy,I think.Myview isit crazybehaviorattracted,ignoring thetree holemovement,only to hear the"wind" of the A,ared figurewhile I was unpreparedsprang out of thehollow tree,I woke up with a start,a knife down,nature iscut downempty;Ilookedat,really isthe mother fox,mouthdangling from apink thing,hurriedtofleefrom behind thebushes,gosh,the foxwith me playingagangster,Icheated again!

第2个回答  2013-11-14