英语作文《the key to success》?




Everyone gets the itch to succeed, but only part of them can make their dreams come true. You maybe wonder: what is the key to success? The answer is “To keep the desire to learn”.


Keep the desire to learn, and you will never be satisfied with what you have known. Always keep a curious mind to all the mysterious parts of the world. Keep the desire to learn, and whatever difficulties you face, the strong belief will support you in solving the problems.


Keep the desire to learn, just as Ms Curie puts it: “Nothing in the world is to be feared, it is only to be understand.” So everything is possible if we try our best and never give up.


One who does not have the desire to learn will never reach their goals. They are always shortsighted and are easily be satisfied with the very little thing they have known. In fact, knowledge, just like the ocean, never has a rim. Whenever and wherever you are, you should remember: what you are learning is only the surface.


In a word, always keep the desire to learn, and the door of success will open to you one day.


第1个回答  推荐于2018-02-25
the key to success
Everyone wishes to be successful in life. While discussing this, we must bear in mind the following three principles diligence, deyotion and perseverance.
The first key factor to success is diligence. If we waste time, our future life will be a failure.If we are diligent now, we will surely be successful in the future.
Devotion,which means the concentration of our mind and effort in doing things,is another key factor to success. Whanever job we are doing,we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the joban we do it well.
Furthermore, perseverance or a strong will is also necessary in order to make success a certainly. If we study or work day after day, there is nothing that can not be achieved. Whitout a strong will, on the other hand, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties. In short a strong will can urge a person to perform wonderful deeds.
To conclude, all great men achieve success through diligence, devotion and perservance. Just as a famous English saying goes:“No pains, no gains”.
第2个回答  2013-12-11

5 Must Read Keys to Success:

1. Preparation

“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.”
~Benjamin Disraeli

Success loves preparation. If the perfect opportunity presented itself today, would you be ready? It’s better to be ready and not have an opportunity, then to have an opportunity and not be ready.
To succeed, you must be ready when opportunity comes. Spend your time preparing for success, when your opportunity comes, you’ll be glad you did.

2. Work
“Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure.” ~Anonymous

All failures know that success is simply a matter of luck, they know it’s just a matter of being at the right place at the right time, they know with assurance that success is directly linked to good ole fashion chance.
However, those who have succeeded know that success is directly and proportionally linked to work. Even an amazing strategy can’t guarantee success. Zig Ziglar said, “The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won’t work – if you won’t.”
You have to put in the time. However, when you put in the time, it makes success all the more sweet. When you come from “behind” and do the impossible, it makes success as sweet as a honeycomb. John H. Johnson said, “I believe the greater the handicap, the greater the triumph.”
3. Remember the Golden Rule
“Success is still the constant application of the Golden Rule.” ~Anonymous

Never forget the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That’s the key to success. Serve your clients as you would have them serve you. Meet their needs as you would have them meet your needs. Give them prices that you would want to pay, exceed their expectations in a way that you would want your expectations to be exceeded.
When you follow the golden rule, you open the door to success.

4. Confidence
“Confidence is the companion of success.” ~Anonymous
If you don’t believe in your abilities, don’t be surprised if no one else does either. Your negative thoughts about yourself send a signal throughout the world that others pick up on and respond accordingly. If you’re broadcasting the station “Depression 108.7” then others will treat you like you’re depressed.
But, when you believe in yourself and your potential, people pick up that signal, and they will treat you according to how they believe, you believe, you should be treated. Did you get that?

5. Lead
“A most important key to successful leadership is your ability to direct and challenge the very best that is in those whom you lead.” ~Anonymous

To be successful you must be a great leader. There’s probably nothing more difficult than being a great leader. It’s easy to be selfish, it’s easy to only be concerned with your needs, your wants and your desires. But to succeed you have to lead! You have to do what’s best for the people; you must bring the best out of those in whom you lead.
When you really lead, you will succeed.