
not choosing sacrifice for its own sake, but for our sake.
anyone who has ever watched a child's eyes wander into sleep know what posterity is.
this beautiful capital, like every capital since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and calculation.
the scripture says,"And let us not be weary in well-doing,for in due season, we shall reap,if we faint not."

1 . not choosing sacrifice for its own sake, but for our sake.
翻译: 。。。不要因为牺牲(即它本身的)缘故而选择牺牲,但是为了我们自己的缘故可以选择牺牲。
not choosing sacrifice for its own ,是现在分词短语,but for our sake 也是省略的现在分词短语 = but choosing sacrifice for our sake 。省略前面相同的 “choosing sacrifice ”。
2 . anyone who has ever watched a child's eyes wander into sleep know what posterity is.
翻译: 任何曾经观看到某个孩子的双眼迷惘到(即 动不动就“漫游到”)睡眠之中的人都会知道这个孩子(即后代)是什么样的孩子了。
who has ever watched a child's eyes wander into sleep 是定语从句修饰“anyone”(主语),谓语是“ know ”,宾语是“what posterity is”(名词性从句)。
3 . this beautiful capital, like every capital since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and calculation.
翻译:直译:从文明开始以来,这个美丽的首都就像各个首都一样,经常是一个产生吸引力和深思熟虑的地方。 --->意译: 从文明开始以来,这个美丽的首都就像各个首都一样, 经常吸引人们前去游览仔细品味这个文明之都。 
关键是对“ a place of intrigue and calculation”的理解: 把名词转化为动词效果。
3 . the scripture says,"And let us not be weary in well-doing,for in due season, we shall reap,if we faint not."
改译:经文上说,“让我们不要厌烦去做善事, 因为,假如我们不灰心去(做善事), 我们定会在合适的时候有自己的收成。”
第1个回答  2012-03-09
not choosing sacrifice for its own sake, but for our sake,(状语)
anyone who has ever watched a child's eyes wander into sleep know what posterity is.
anyone 主语 who 到 sleep 定语从句 know 谓语 what posterity is 宾从
this beautiful capital, like every capital since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and calculation.
this beautiful capital 主语, like every capital since the dawn of civilization 同位语(不太确定),is 系 often a place of intrigue and calculation 表
the scripture says,"And let us not be weary in well-doing,for in due season, we shall reap,if we faint not."
the scripture 主语 says 谓 引号里的宾语
第2个回答  2012-03-09

1.not…but 句型“不是……而是……”动名词做主语,这里是非谓语动词作主语。
2.定语从句,anyone 是先行词,who是关系代词,who has ever watched a child's eyes wander into sleep 是定语从句。谓语是know,宾语是what posterity is
3.主语是this beautiful capital,同位语是like every capital since the dawn of civilization,谓语是is,表语是a place of intrigue and calculation
4.主语是the scripture says,直接引语是and let us not be wearyin well-doing ,for in due season ,we shall reap ,if wefaint not.直接引语中,
and let us not be wearyin well-doing 是主语,for in due season 是原因状语if wefaint not是条件状语
第3个回答  2012-03-09
who 后是个定语从句 先行词是anyone,who代替它在从句做主语。what引导了know后的宾语从句,做从句的表语。
like 是介词,“像……一样”