

Unit one
请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍海南岛的三亚市。词数70左右。 1、 三亚以美丽的海滩闻名,是海南岛风景最优美地区之一2、 2、 天气暖和,可以在海里游泳 3、 每年都有许多的游客前来观光 4、 那里的水果每位可口 5、 是一个旅游的好地方 范文:
Sanya is famous for its beautiful beaches . It’s one of the most scenic areas of Hainan Island . The weather is warm there, and you can see blue sky and white clouds. People can swim in the sea .Millions of people come to visit it every year. There are many kinds of fruits in Sanya , and they are very delicious. When you come here ,you will find it a good place to visit.
Unit two
如今保护环境已经变的越来越重要,请写一篇60词左右的演讲稿,来呼吁班上的同学种植更多的树木以保护环境。演讲稿的内容必须包括以下几方面: 1、 树木对我们来说很重要,我们的生活离不开树木 2、 树木可以为我们提供氧气和食物 3、 树木可以使空气凉爽,清洁 4、 每年人们会砍掉许多的树木
5、 我们应该尽力种植更多的树木来保护环境 6、 树木使我们的城市更加美丽 范文:
Hello, boys and girls! Trees are very important to us, and we can’t live without them. For example, they can provide us with oxygen and food , and they can cool the air and clean it. But people cut down millions of trees every year. We should do our best to plant more trees to protect our environment, and they will make our city more beautiful.
Unit three
根据提示内容,以My bedroom 为题写一篇介绍自己卧室的短文,70词左右。 卧室不大但很明亮
1、 门左边是我的书桌和椅子,桌子上摆放着电脑和台灯,书桌上方有窗,书桌旁边是书架 2、 门的右边是床,墙上有两幅画 3、 卧室干净整洁(clean and dirty)
范文: My bedroom My bedroom is not very big but very bright.
On the left of the door , there is my desk and chair. On the desk, there is a computer and a lamp. Above the desk, there is a big window. Next to the desk, there is a bookshelf.
On the right of the door, there is my bed. It’s not so big, but it’s very comfortable. Above it, there are two beautiful pictures on the wall.
My bedroom is clean and tidy. I love it very mu
第1个回答  2015-08-14