

那天的伤我留到今天来释放,不想再像以前那样憋在心里隐藏,没人知道的痛、我闷声不响,沉默久了的感觉还真他妈的窝囊,以后的日子我也不知道该怎么过,我渴望的梦想也不知道该怎么做、放弃了曾经幻想的美好生活、不再奢求有人能安抚我内心的寂寞,我开始变了,变得无法找到自我,我继续追,追到忘了什么叫快乐,我看不清路,我不知道前方失去了什么,也罢了,反正什么都不再需要我了,我嘲笑着,以前天真的那个我,以为付出就可以换回很多很多,时间在变了,我也被骗了,相信所有的承诺是我错了,这么大的世界却没人能懂我,身边的朋友却没人能安慰我,肮脏的世界改变我的风格,对,就是要做到你们都认可,让你们记得,让你们怕了,当初抛弃的只是我的躯壳,真正的游戏现在才开始呢,要你们后悔以前看不起我,这个世界没什么可以信了,最爱的人也可以把你给卖了,那还有什么可以让我回味的,还有什么值得我去怀念的,童年的快乐再也找不回来了,金钱终于把我制服了,把我从虚构直接拉入生活,我不得不和他们一样恶心地过,美好的记忆全都渐渐模糊了,寂寞太久让我习惯这样的活着,我乐意就这样,可是回忆呢?对不起,我把它们都给忘了,我厌恶、我憎恨、我难过了,我哭着哭着眼泪都蒸发干了,我跟着音乐大声地唱着,想释怀,可不小心嗓子没力了,我坚持跟着节奏继续唱着,压抑夺走了我所有的快乐,没了就没了,算了就算了,把我给伤了都是过去的,我努力的想着努力的记着,时间久了所有的怨恨全都变没了,你们的脸越来越扭曲了,我恨着最后连你们是谁都不记得,哈哈…活着有什么意思,活着也没意义,伤害别人就是你们最大的乐趣,内心的阴暗造就这群变态,有什么资格说你比别人都厉害,虚伪的眼神其实无精打采,唱歌走调还跟不上节拍,自恋的程度我非常地佩服,可你反咬一口说我没有技术,我笑了,积累的伤痛终于爆发了,我再也不想懦弱地当听众了,我更没意务出现在你需要的时候,我不是玩具,不是用来给你玩的,made in china 不是我的属性,你们可不可以不拿我来出气,我和你们一样是活生生的肉体,受够了不干了,你们可以滚蛋了,时间流逝了,社会进步了,现实的折磨它把我给变了,拿走了曾经属于我的快乐,夺走了曾经属于我的生活,我痛了,振作,我大声的喊着,爬出阴霾,让伤口快愈合,是你们给的,我全都接受了,我发誓会还的,都给我记着.
第1个回答  2012-03-15

那天的伤我留到今天来释放,不想再像以前那样憋在心里隐藏,没人知道的痛、我闷声不响,沉默久了的感觉还真他妈的窝囊,以后的日子我也不知道该怎么过,我渴望的梦想也不知道该怎么做、放弃了曾经幻想的美好生活、不再奢求有人能安抚我内心的寂寞,我开始变了,变得无法找到自我,我继续追,追到忘了什么叫快乐,我看不清路,我不知道前方失去了什么,也罢了,反正什么都不再需要我了,我嘲笑着,以前天真的那个我,以为付出就可以换回很多很多,时间在变了,我也被骗了,相信所有的承诺是我错了,这么大的世界却没人能懂我,身边的朋友却没人能安慰我,肮脏的世界改变我的风格,对,就是要做到你们都认可,让你们记得,让你们怕了,当初抛弃的只是我的躯壳,真正的游戏现在才开始呢,要你们后悔以前看不起我,这个世界没什么可以信了,最爱的人也可以把你给卖了,那还有什么可以让我回味的,还有什么值得我去怀念的,童年的快乐再也找不回来了,金钱终于把我制服了,把我从虚构直接拉入生活,我不得不和他们一样恶心地过,美好的记忆全都渐渐模糊了,寂寞太久让我习惯这样的活着,我乐意就这样,可是回忆呢?对不起,我把它们都给忘了,我厌恶、我憎恨、我难过了,我哭着哭着眼泪都蒸发干了,我跟着音乐大声地唱着,想释怀,可不小心嗓子没力了,我坚持跟着节奏继续唱着,压抑夺走了我所有的快乐,没了就没了,算了就算了,把我给伤了都是过去的,我努力的想着努力的记着,时间久了所有的怨恨全都变没了,你们的脸越来越扭曲了,我恨着最后连你们是谁都不记得,哈哈…活着有什么意思,活着也没意义,伤害别人就是你们最大的乐趣,内心的阴暗造就这群变态,有什么资格说你比别人都厉害,虚伪的眼神其实无精打采,唱歌走调还跟不上节拍,自恋的程度我非常地佩服,可你反咬一口说我没有技术,我笑了,积累的伤痛终于爆发了,我再也不想懦弱地当听众了,我更没意务出现在你需要的时候,我不是玩具,不是用来给你玩的,made in china 不是我的属性,你们可不可以不拿我来出气,我和你们一样是活生生的肉体,受够了不干了,你们可以滚蛋了,时间流逝了,社会进步了,现实的折磨它把我给变了,拿走了曾经属于我的快乐,夺走了曾经属于我的生活,我痛了,振作,我大声的喊着,爬出阴霾,让伤口快愈合,是你们给的,我全都接受了,我发誓会还的,都给我记着.
第2个回答  2019-02-03
That day's injury I left to today to release, do not want to be like before in the heart of hiding, no one knows the pain, I muffled, silent long feeling is really fucking lame, after the day I do not know how to live, I long for the dream also do not know how to do, give up the once fantasy of the good Life, No longer expect someone to soothe my inner loneliness, I began to change, become unable to find self, I continue to chase, chase to forget what is happy, I can not see the road, I do not know what is lost in front of, but also, anyway, what is no longer needed me, I laugh, before the naïve that I, think pay can be changed back many Time is changing, I was also cheated, believe that all the promises are I was wrong, such a big world but no one can understand me, friends around but no one can comfort me, dirty world change my style, right, is to do you all recognize, let you remember, let you fear, the original abandoned is only my shell, the real game now began , want you to regret before look down on me, the world has nothing to believe, the most loved person can also sell you, that there is what can let me aftertaste, there is what I want to miss, the joy of childhood can never find back, money finally put me subdued, put me straight into life from fiction, I have to be as disgusting as they are, all the good memories are gradually blurred, lonely too long let me get used to such a life, I would like to do so, but memories? I'm sorry, I forgot all about them. I loathe, I hate, I am sad, I cry and cry tears evaporated dry, I followed the music loudly singing, want to let go, but not careful throat, I insisted on following the rhythm to continue to sing, repression took away all my happiness, no more It is gone, forget it, I hurt it is the past , I try to think hard to remember, a long time all the resentment has changed, your face more and more distorted, I hate the end even you are no one remember, haha ... What does it mean to live, to live is meaningless, to hurt others is your greatest pleasure, the darkness of the heart to make this group of perverts, what qualifications to say that you are more powerful than others, hypocritical eyes are actually listless, singing out of tune can not keep up with the beat, the degree of narcissism I admire very much, but you bitten back said I have no technology Accumulated pain finally broke out, I do not want to be cowardly as a listener, I do not have the intention to appear in your needs, I am not a toy, is not used for you to play, made in China is not my property, you can not take me out, I and you are living flesh, enough to quit, You can fuck off, time has passed, social progress, the reality of the torment of it has changed me, took away the joy that once belonged to me, took away the life that once belonged to me, I hurt, cheer up, I shouted loudly, crawled out of the haze, let the wound heal quickly, is you give, I have accepted, I swear will pay back, all remember.