
这个lawyer爱迟到,说明他不重视工作.来了OFFICE以后有把顾客凉在一边,不理不睬,很不礼貌.顾客在lawyer的office里,门大打开着,而且在咨询事情事lawyer没认真听,而是在一旁批他的文件,还接电话,没有重视他的顾客.当顾客给他了一个dirty look时,lawyer才放下手里的活.但是lawyer居然在听顾客说事情时把脚放在桌子上,这分明是在侮辱人!



小女在这等着 很急的!

This attorney likes being late, explained he does not take to work.Will come the office later to have the customer coolly in the oneside, paid no attention ignores, very not politeness. The customer inattorney's office, the gate greatly is opening, moreover not earnestlylistens in consultation matter matter attorney, but is in a 旁批 hisdocument, but also answers the telephone, has not taken him thecustomer. When customer for him a dirty anticipation, attorney onlythen lays down in the hand living. But attorney unexpectedly inlistens to the customer to say when matter puts the foot on the table,this clearly is insulting the person!

If I am that customer, I thought this attorney very cannot be theperson. This consultation is must collect fees, but also the customercoolly in the one side, his business did not want to do! Wasted thetime to waste the money, if were I in that office, I definitely couldget angry, then the broken gate, let that staff return my consultationexpense.

Must work as good attorney first must be punctual. After the customerenters the office to be supposed to carry on the regards and to askthe customer to take a seat, helps the customer but actually cup ofteas/coffee. Attorney should carry on simple self introduction, againstarts to consult. When customer consultation cannot have anydisturbance and not politeness behavior. The eye must look at thecustomer, concentrates in the consultation. For customer goodsuggestion and idea, like this can cause the interview harmoniousconclusion.