一部英文小说 只有片段 求小说名称 最好知道我这一段的章节

“I should have aimed for your skull,” Salander said in a neutral tone. “ What the hell are you doing here? I thought you’d left the country months ago.” He smiled at her again If Niedermann had tried to answer Salander’s quertion as to what he was doing in the dilapidated brickworks, he probably would not have been able to explain. He could not explain it to himself. He had left Gosseberga with a feeling of liberation. He was counting on the fact that Zalachenko was dead and that he would take over the business. He knew he was an excellent organizer. He had changed cars in Alings?s, put the terror- stricken dental nurse Anita Kaspereeon in the boot, and driven towards Bor?s, He had no plan. He improvised as he went. He had not reflected on kaspersson’s fate. It made no difference to him whether she lived or died,
“我应该为你的头颅,”Salander在轻声说。“你到底在这里干什么?”我以为你会国家几个月前离开的。”他又向她笑了笑,如果Niedermann曾经试图回答Salander的问题是他在破旧的砖瓦厂做,他可能就无法解释。他无法向自己解释。他离开gosseberga与自由的感受。他依靠的事实,Zalachenko死了,他将接管业务。他知道他是个出色的组织者。他在alings汽车改变了吗?S,把恐怖万状的牙科护士Anita Kaspereeon在开机,并朝着Bor?S,他没有计划。他一边走一边即兴表演。他没有反映kaspersson的命运。她是死是活对他来说没有什么区别,
真的很急 谢谢大家 求救

第1个回答  2017-07-05
书名是The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
章节是chapter. 29追问

