谁知道有关【美国航运局】(American Bureauof Shipping)的资料,主要包括它的发展历史和优势,急用 ,谢了


ABS was first chartered in the state of New York in 1862, to certify ship captains. It has been involved in the development and improvement of safety standards. Born out of a need for industry self-regulation, ABS published its first technical standards, Rules for Survey and Classing Wooden Vessels, in 1870. When the era of wooden ships gave way to iron, ABS established standards for these structures, published as Rules for Survey and Classing of Iron Vessels. Similarly, when iron gave way to steel, ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels were established and published in 1890. These Steel Vessel Rules continue to be revised and published annually.

Services[edit] ClassificationThe responsibility of the classification society is to verify that merchant ships and marine structures presented to it comply with Rules that the society has established for design, construction and periodic survey. Classification itself does not judge the economic viability of a vessel. Neither is the society in a position to judge whether a vessel is ultimately employed according to the stated intended purpose for which it was classed. The classification society records, reports and recommends in accordance with what it has seen at the time of a vessel’s construction and subsequent surveys. If a vessel is found not to comply with the Rules, and the recommendations of ABS are not followed, then the society will suspend or cancel classification.

Rules are derived from principles of naval architecture, marine engineering and associated disciplines. A new Rule, or a proposed change to an existing Rule, originates with one of the ABS technical committees, from in-service experience, from a new IACS Unified Requirement or from the ongoing research conducted by the technology staff at ABS. Research projects are conducted either directly by ABS or are undertaken jointly with industry, with academic and governmental organizations or with other appropriate partners to best draw on the most qualified sources available.

When an owner first requests that a vessel or structure be classed, the shipyard or design agent presents drawings and calculations to ABS for a systematic detailed review for compliance with the Rules. ABS engineers review the plans to verify that the structural and mechanical details conform to the Rule requirements.

After a design has been approved by ABS engineers, ABS field surveyors attend the vessel at the shipyard from keel laying to delivery.The surveyors verify that the approved plans are followed and the Rules are adhered to. During the construction of a vessel built to ABS class, surveyors witness, at the place of manufacture or fabrication, the tests of materials for the hull and certain items of machinery as required by the Rules. They also survey the building, installation and testing of the structural and principal mechanical and electrical systems.

When completed, a vessel undergoes sea trials attended by an ABS field surveyor. The vessel is then presented to the ABS Classification Committee which assesses the vessel’s compliance with the Rules based on the collective experience of the Committee members and recommendations from the ABS staff. The Classification Committee is composed of ABS Members drawn from the maritime industry, United States Coast Guard and ABS officers. When accepted by the Committee, formal certification is issued to the vessel. The vessel’s classification information, characteristics and other particulars are then entered into the ABS Record – the electronic register of vessels classed by ABS maintained and updated on the ABS web site.

ABS Rules require that every classed vessel be subject to periodic surveys to determine whether it is maintained in accordance with classification standards. Surveys are based on a five-year cycle of Annual Surveys, an Intermediate Survey to be completed between the second and third years of the five-year period, and a comprehensive Special Survey including dry docking at each fifth anniversary from the time of the vessel’s delivery.

Plimsoll line of ABS[edit] CertificationABS also offers certification to specified standards. Whereas classification requires periodic surveys of the classed vessel or offshore unit throughout its life, certification verifies that the item conforms to designated standards at a specified time. Certification can establish compliance with ABS, national, international, industry or other standards.

[edit] Offshore & Energy ServicesABS also develops standards for the design, construction and operational maintenance of offshore drilling and production units and for gas carriers of all types. These standards cover mobile offshore drilling units (such as jackup rigs, semisubmersible rigs, and drill ships), floating offshore production installations (spars, tension leg platforms, semisubmersibles and FPSOs/FSOs), fixed offshore installations, pipelines, risers, and single point moorings.

[edit] Statutory ServicesABS also acts as a Recognized Organization on behalf of more than 100 governments. A Recognized Organization is authorized by a flag State to conduct plan review and statutory surveys on ships registered under that flag on behalf of the nation’s maritime administration. Typical regulations include the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), SOLAS, MARPOL regulations, and the Load Line Convention. In addition to the national or international tonnage certificates, Panama and Suez Canal tonnage certificates can be issued by ABS on behalf of those authorities.

[edit] Naval Vessel StandardsThe ABS Rules for Building and Classing Naval Vessels are developed for naval vessels. The standards address the bulk of hull, mechanical, electrical, environmental and safety related criteria for the vessels.

The Naval Vessel Rules have restricted distribution, unlike the other ABS Rules and Guides which are available for download or hardcopy purchase.

[edit] Rapid Response Damage Assessment (RRDA) ProgramDecisions made within the first few hours following a maritime casualty can determine the outcome, i.e. whether or not the vessel will remain intact and the potential environmental impact. The RRDA program provides an organized team of engineers and naval architects during emergency situations.

Since 1993, RRDA engineers have contracted HECSALV software to model more than 2,000 vessels including floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units, tankers, bulk carriers, gas carriers, semisubmersibles and spars classed by the major classification societies. Teams have responded to more than 180 worldwide incidents ranging from tank explosions, groundings, collisions and fires to minor structural damage, flooding, trimming to replace stern seals, emergency drydockings and structural evaluation with missing structure in repair situations.

The principal role of the RRDA team is to assist the Master and owner's technical personnel. With the ability to quickly calculate the effect of damage to hull structure and free-flooding of internal spaces, we help the owner/operator minimize further stressing of the hull, loss of the vessel due to inadequate stability or spilling harmful fuel and cargo into the environment. The RRDA team can also interface with the vessel's class society and flag or port State officials to provide technical documentation to support proposed temporary repairs, operations, single voyage requests or other related requirements.



当雇主首先要求的船只或结构被归类,船厂或设计代理系统化遵守规则的详细审查图纸和计算的ABS。 ABS的工程师审查核实,符合规则要求的结构和机械的细节计划。


完成时,一艘船经过试航ABS场验船师参加。的船只,然后提交给评估船只遵守规则的基础上,委员会成员和来自ABS的工作人员的建议集体经验的ABS分类委员会。分类委员会由来自航运业,美国海岸警卫队和ABS人员的ABS的成员。当委员会所接受,正式认证的船只发出。船只的分类信息,特点及其他详情,然后进入ABS的记录 - 电子寄存器级船只通过ABS ABS网站维护和更新。


ABS [编辑普利姆索尔]行CertificationABS也提供认证规定的标准。而分类级的船只或境外单位在其整个生命周期调查,认证验证,该项目符合在指定的时间指定的标准。认证可以建立符合ABS,国家,国际,行业或其他标准。

[编辑]海洋能源ServicesABS还开发海上钻井和生产经营单位的设计,施工和运营维护标准和所有类型的气体运输船。这些标准涵盖了移动式近海钻井装置(如自升式钻井平台,半潜式钻井平台,钻井船),海上浮动生产装置(梁,张力腿平台,的semisubmersibles的FPSO / FSOs),固定式近海装置,管道,立管,单点系泊。


海军舰艇StandardsThe ABS建设和分级舰艇规则制定的海军舰艇。标准解决大部分船体,船只的机械,电气,环境和安全相关的标准。


最初的几个小时内作出快速反应的损害评估(RRDA)ProgramDecisions后,海事伤亡事故的,可以决定胜负,即不论该船只将保持不变,对环境的潜在影响。 RRDA计划在紧急情况下提供了一个有组织的团队工程师和海军建筑师。


的RRDA队的主要作用是协助主及业主的技术人员。我们有能力快速计算损害船体结构和内部空间的自由泛滥的影响,帮助进一步强调的船体,船只不够稳定造成的损失或蔓延到有害的燃料和货物的所有者/经营者减少环境。 RRDA的团队还可以与接口类船只的社会和标志或港口国官员提供的技术文件,以支持所提出的临时修理,操作,单航次的请求或其他相关的要求。