
1 hungry\shark\the\is\
2 waving\Jia Ming(佳明,人名字)\is\happily\
3 at\we\are\photos\the\aquarium\taking\
4 tank\Tina(迪娜,也是人的名字)\is\in\of\the\fish\front\
5 tank\don.t\loudly\
6 kinds\are\different\of\fish\they\
7 water\do\like\animals\you\
8 deaing\she\is\quietly\
9 our\mnimals\are\friends\
10 go\let.s\fishing

1The shark is hungry.
2Jia Ming is waving happily.
3We are aquarium at taking photos.
4Tina is in front of the fish tank.
5Don't talk loudly.
6They are different kinds of fish.
7Do you like water animals?
8She is deaing quietly.
9Animals are our friends.
10Let's go fishing.
第1个回答  2007-10-30
1 The shark is hungry.
2 Jia Ming is waving happily.
3 We are taking photos at the aquarium.
4 Tina is in front of the fish tank.
5 没打全吧? I don't talk loudly. 猜的
6 They are different kinds of fish.
7 Do you like water animals?
8 She is deaing quietly.
9 Animals are our friends.
10 Let's go fishing.
第2个回答  2007-10-30
1The shark is hungry.
2Jia Ming is waving happily.
3We are aquarium at taking photos.
4Tina is in front of the fish tank.
5Don't talk loudly.
6They are different kinds of fish.
7Do you like water animals?
8She is deaing quietly.
9Animals are our friends.
10Let's go fishing.对吗
第3个回答  2007-10-30
1 The shark is hungry.
2 Jia Ming is waving happily.
3 We are taking photos at the aquarium.
4 Tina is in front of the fish tank.
5 Don't talk loudly. (TAIK 写错了吧)
6 They are different kinds of fish.
7 Do you like water animals?
8 She is deaing quietly.
9 Animals are our friends.
10 Let's go fishing.