
1.It's good for you to take off your dirty trousers right now.
You'd ______ ______ off your dirty trousers right now.

2.What is your age, litter boy?
______ ______ are you, litter boy?

3.How about going skating this weekend?
______ you please ______ skating with me this weekend?

4.Why not have a big meal tonight?
______ have a big meal this ______.

5.What's the difference between Williams and Wesley?
______ is Williams ______ from Wesley?

6.It's very nice to work with you .
I ______ ______ to work with you.

7.What is the price of the laptop?
______ ______ is the laptop?

8.Rita is careful with her lessons.
Rita ______ her lessons ______.

9.Why don't you start off a little earlier?
______ ______ off a little earlier?

10.Aren't you students?
______ ______ you are students.

11.It's not easy to learn English well.
______ English well is ______.

1. better take
解释:You'd better do sth.你最好做某事
2. How old
解释:这道题很简单的 你的年龄是多少=你多大了
3. Would go
解释:How about是征询意见的问法 would也是 而且较为礼貌
4. Let's evening
解释:Why not表建议 而let's也是 只不过语气略为生硬 tonight=今天晚上=this evening 但是用法有点chglish
5. Where different
解释:be different from 与...不同
6. would love
解释:I'd love to=I would love to 表示愿意
7. How much
解释:问价格 不多说
8.takes carefully
解释:take sth.+adj. 表示如何对待。。。
9. Why not
解释:不多说 why not=why don't you
10. Can't believe
11. Learning hard/difficult
解释:It是to learn English well的形式宾语 动词词组放句首作主语是应用动名次形式 not easy=hard/difficult 都有困难的意思
第1个回答  2007-08-10
better not take
how old
would go
let's evening
第2个回答  2007-08-10
You'd better take off your dirty trousers right now.
How old are you, litter boy?
Could you please go skating with me this weekend?
第3个回答  2007-08-10
1.better take
2.How old
3.Will go
4.Let's evening
5.How different
6.am glad
7.How much
8.learns carefully
9.Whynot starting??
10.I guess
11.Learning difficult
第4个回答  2007-08-10
1,better take
2,How old
3,Would go
4,Let's evening
5,How differed
6,am glad
7,How much
8,does carefully
10,I'm sure
11,Learning hard
第5个回答  2007-08-10
1 better take
had better 最好````是固定搭配,上面已经说了take off,让脱掉脏裤子,所以下面还是take

2 How old 这是文人年龄的固定说法

3Would go
Would 表示婉转的提建议方法 而go skating也是固定短语,去滑冰的意思
4 Let's this evening
表示提建议,因为给了一个空格,又是陈述句,所以可以用let's表示让我们一起去做什么吧!而tonight是今晚的意思,我们可以用this evening 来代替

5 How different
句子是想问两个人之间的区别,那么就可以用be different from 这个句型,那么他们之间是怎样的不同,就用疑问词how

6 am glad
be glad to do sth 意思是说很开心很乐意做某事 这里想说很开心与你共事,所以就用这个短语

7 How much

8 studys carefully
说Ritta学习很认真,我们就可以用动词study ,因为有了动词我们就需要一个副词来修饰,所以就用carefully

9 Couldn't be
首先,句子的意思是难道不能早一点走吗?出发既可以用start off 也可以用be off ,而couldn't 表示难道不能(难道不可以)所以答案就是这样

10 It seems
这句话的意思是说难道你们不是学生吗?表示提问的人认为他们是学生。而it seems 表示看起来像,这里省略了that

11 Learning difficult
首先,巨资缺乏一个主语,所以需要一个动名词也就是learning ,句子说学习英语不容易其实就是再说学习英语很难,所以就用difficult .