
一篇100词左右的初中英语值日生报告,要关于西方文化的,大概能使初二的学生能懂(并带上翻译) 可以提五六个关于这篇文章的问题

hello,everyone, i am on duty today .
We report about the western culture.我们做的报告关于西方的文化
First and foremost, the equality between parents and children. The parents are not always superior to their children, and the children do not always need to obey their parents order, that is, they are more like close friends.
Second, the independent personality. Western people have a strong sense of supporting themselves and being independent. They begin earning their pocket money early in their life, even as kids.

Last, Western people do not always assess a person according to his background. If only he can achieve success through personal struggle, he can win status. It's a talent-oriented society, not background-oriented.
All the above mentioned are what I admire in the western culture and what I think we Chinese should learn.

I'll list down a few differences:


1. Western culture is based on individualism rather than on mass (collectivism). For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights, instead of placing the whole society above your own self. This is clearly different in China where a country, society or family are placed above your own self.

2. Western culture is adventurous and exploration based. Westerners like to discover new things, invention and expand outwards. For instance, bungee jumping is considered adventurous and common in western culture, but you will probably find no-one doing such a thing in China.

3. Western culture is based on science, which attempts to resolve people and nature's relationship.

Chinese Culture:

1. A culture based on masses (collectivism). People placed country and family above your own self.

2. A culture that is based on humanism and people

3. To resolve the relationship betwen man and nature, the chinese attempts to fuse the human and 'heaven' as one. (天人和一)

The difference between west and east

I wonder how many things do you know about the difference between west and east? I can tell you some. East and west , they are different in many ways. Today, I want to talk about it in the following three parts. They are food, dressing and living styles.
First , food.

In China, we prefer noodles, rice , jiaozi as the main course. We like cooking a lot of delicious dishes, then we set up the tables, put the dishes on the tables, sit together, and taste the dishes together, we don’t eat with individual plates, when we eating ,we like chatting and laughing, we think it’s warm and happy to eat this way; But in England or other west countries, people like eating hamburgers, chips, pizza, pasta as their main course, they eat them with vegetable salad, they eat with drinking (water or juice),and they eat with separate plates. In China, we become full up when we finish all the food, then we don’t eat anything, but in west countries, people eat desserts after they finish their meals.

Second, dressing.

In China, we prefer colorful clothes, we dress them in different places, some time many people don’t mind the places we will go, and dress more formal or less formal, and some people just wearing beautiful clothes, don’t make up; But in west countries, people dress according their visiting places, in daily times, they often wear casual clothes, but if they go to a formal places ,they often wear suits, ladies wearing beautiful dresses, pretty hats. No matter how old the ladies are, they always make up.

Third, living styles.
