
1. 你的论点很容易受到攻击. (vulnerable)
2. 我们现在正处于一个新的伟大的信息时代. (era)
3. 科学家分析了一下这杯牛奶, 发现里面水分过多. (analyze)
4. 这个年轻人将他最喜欢的歌手的照片贴在墙上.(paste)
5. 当你回顾你的一生时, 你最珍惜的是什么时候? (look back on)
6. 上海会议中心附近部署了很多警察,以防恐怖分子接近。(hold…at bay)

1. Your argument is vulnerable to refutation.
2. We are in the new era of information overflow.
3. The scientist analyzed this cup of milk and found out that there was too much water in it.
4. This young man likes to paste his favourite singer's photo on the wall.
5. When you look back on your past, what's stuff you cherish the most?
6. There are many police officers are deployed at Shanghai Conference/Convention Centre to deter the terrorist.