

altogether;all told ; in all:

There are altogether thirty students in our class.我们班一共30人。
How many people are there altogether?一共多少人?
Three people were killed all told in the accident这次事故中一共死了三个人。

all told
There were six of the buccaneers, all told; not another man was left alive.屋中一共只有六名海盗,此外活着的那个也死了。
All told, they destroyed about $200 in a matter of minutes. (They spent their evening trying to match serial numbers and tape the shredded pieces of money together.总的算起来,他们在几分钟时间内一共撕掉了大约200美元的钞票。(那天他们整个晚上都在试着按照钞票上的序列号,把碎片拼贴起来。)

in all
In all, it consists of more than 70 parts.总的来说,一把小提琴有70多个部件组成。
She always had good grades in all subjects.她经常在所有的课程上取得好成绩。
Does light travel out in one direction or in all directions?光是沿着一个方向还是所有方向往外传播的?
We have planned a picnic and in all probability it will rain.我们已计划好举行一次野餐会,然而天看来很可能下雨。
People in all cultures never seem to tire of the brilliance of gems.各文化人士对于耀眼的宝石似乎永远都不会厌倦。
They should rejoice in all its abundant fruits of daring and invention.他们应尽情享受所有这些勇敢和创造的丰硕成果。
第1个回答  2011-11-09
第2个回答  2011-11-09
aotogether或者in all或者all told等,