
今天下午,我看见成群结队的小蚂蚁。我一下就开始认真地看了起来。   小蚂蚁已经在搬食了。小蚂蚁犹如卫队,整整齐齐地走着。有的小蚂蚁东张西望,好似在寻找一些可吃的东西。有的小蚂蚁在运一些小食物。有的小蚂蚁躲在洞口,好象在观察动静。   这么多的小蚂蚁,一只有一只的任务。看这一边的小蚂蚁正在忙乱的做事,看那一边的小蚂蚁也正在忙活。小蚂蚁十分得俏皮。小蚂蚁的背上,背着一块大米粒。可小蚂蚁好像一点儿也不重,还东跑跑,西跳跳。疑!这么多的蚂蚁在干什么,有大有小,围成一个大图形。原来,小蚂蚁围成一个大图形是要把一颗糖搬回家。小蚂蚁一起搬呀搬。终于把糖得到了。   看着,看着,我突然觉得自己是一只小蚂蚁。正在和哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、妹妹们一起搬糖,跟小伙伴、小同学一起玩。小苍蝇飞来,告诉我世界的天空有多高……   过了好一会儿,我才苏醒过来,原来我是在看小蚂蚁呢!小蚂蚁可真是个“大力士

This afternoon,I saw a gathering in crowds and groups of ants.I began to look at it carefully.
The ant has to move food。The ant is a guard,neat to walk together。Some ants look around, as if looking for something to eat。Some ants in some small food.Some ant hides in the, as observed in the news。 So many ants, one has only one task。Look at the side of the little ants are busy doing things, look at the side of the little ants are busy.ant is very cute.The ant 's back, carrying a large grain of rice.but the ant feels a little is not heavy, East West run, jump.gee!so many ants in doing, big and small, surrounded by a large graph. originally, the ant and formed a large graphics is to put a candy moved back home.Ant move you move. Finally put the sugar obtained. look, look, I suddenly feel a little ant.Are brother and sister, brother, sister, together with sugar, play with small partners, small classmate.Small fly came, tell me the sky is high ... ... after a while, I woke up, I was watching ants! The ant is really a" Hercules
第1个回答  2012-02-16
第2个回答  2012-02-16