

第1个回答  2012-02-10
In 21 century, water pollution is a big problem.
we all know water is important to us. but still, some people don't care about it, and keep polluting the water. they thought this will not affect them, but in fact, it does.
there are several ways that tell us how water get polluted.
1. polluted water came to the river from the factory.
2. people throw garbage in to the water.
3. garbage things from the factory polluted the water under ground.
4. oil come out from the boat....
to solve these problems, we need to make a plan. first, we need to know what cause the water pollution, it is the things i worte on the top. second, we should do something at home like: to tell our parent not waste water.....
then, we should do something that can effect other people around us. like to make a poster that tell how important water is....
after that, we should do something globally, like writer a letter and send it to newspaper office to let more people care about it.
now, every one, please take an action, when there is only drop of water in the world, that will be our tears.
第2个回答  2012-02-07
Hello, everybody! As we can see ,we are facing many problems about our environment. Many trees are being cut down to build houses. Waste water is being poured into the rivers or seas.Carbon dioxide is also being discharged into the air around us.All of these are harmful to us so we should take immediate measures to prevent these happening again. First I think we should educate those who are cutting trees without limit. Second we should plant more trees to reduce the amout of carbon dioxide .Finally we should appeal to those factories not to pour waste water into the rivers or seas .Only in this way can we protect our environment .本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-02-07
hjml m,; mnlhy ,mhm, ljm;hm,lj;mh;lk;hkdguerlkg;lplhbynggggggggggggggggggfvrt;pnbnsqsqweqfrvfv