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关于宇宙 可以是宇宙的起源,等等

Origins Of Life, The Universe And Everything: Introduction
The debate about our origin, and the origin of all life, will rage for as long as there are differing opinions on the Earth. There can be nothing that can completely disprove any argument, as the act of creation was a one off occurrence; it cannot be repeated and is, therefore, outside science.This is because science, true science, is inescapably linked to the present and the future; theories are verified or disproved if the results of one scientist can be recreated again and again by others, it is only by observational evidence that theories are accepted or thrown out. Therefore, anything in science that is inferred about the past is an act of faith; as it was not observed and cannot be verified. This calls for a faith in the many different assumptions made by each respective scientist. This means that science, when dealing with origins, is faith based so no argument is less scientific than the other; though it may be less logical.

So, how did we come into being? The question that everyone asks cannot be answered without faith. Those who think science (evolution) has proved that Special Creation (Creation by God) did not happen are naïve or, perhaps, deceived.

The purpose of this article is to outline the two sides of the origins debate. The main area that is going to be focused upon will be the origin of the universe and all that is in it. How did the universe come into being? Where did it come from? Hopefully, some questions can be clarified and they can be logically believed, though, of course, I cannot give a completely definitive answer.

To a creationist, in this case I will be referring to fundamental Christians, the universe was created ex nihilo (from nothing) by God in six days, as described in the book of Genesis. While this position has been ridiculed by many scientists (evolutionists/atheists/humanists/progressive creationists) it is no less valid today than it was during the fifteen hundreds. The creationists base their thinking on a certain framework that everything that is observed can be explained in a Biblical way.

This is equally the case with the evolutionist (someone who believes in either Darwinian evolution or neo-Darwinism) as they have a fundamental set of presuppositions into which they must also fit all the evidence. When partaking in anything like this we must remember that everyone has the same set of facts (evidence), it is only how we interpret this evidence to fit our presupposed beliefs that the answers differ.

书 名: Galaxies in the Universe : An Introduction : An Introduction -- 2nd edition

作 者: Linda S. Sparke, John S. Gallagher, Iii
ISBN: 0521671868
ISBN2: 9780521671866 页 数:
出版社: Cambridge University Press


This extensively illustrated book has been up-dated and thoroughly revised to include the most recent observational data and theoretical developments. It includes several homework problems with hints and is ideal for advanced undergraduate students in ast

外币原价: USD:65 教师定购价: 装 帧: Paperback
第1个回答  2007-10-14
The debate about our origin, and the origin of all life, will rage for as long as there are differing opinions on the Earth. There can be nothing that can completely disprove any argument, as the act of creation was a one off occurrence; it cannot be repeated and is, therefore, outside science.This is because science, true science, is inescapably linked to the present and the future; theories are verified or disproved if the results of one scientist can be recreated again and again by others, it is only by observational evidence that theories are accepted or thrown out. Therefore, anything in science that is inferred about the past is an act of faith; as it was not observed and cannot be verified. This calls for a faith in the many different assumptions made by each respective scientist. This means that science, when dealing with origins, is faith based so no argument is less scientific than the other; though it may be less logical.

So, how did we come into being? The question that everyone asks cannot be answered without faith. Those who think science (evolution) has proved that Special Creation (Creation by God) did not happen are naïve or, perhaps, deceived.

The purpose of this article is to outline the two sides of the origins debate. The main area that is going to be focused upon will be the origin of the universe and all that is in it. How did the universe come into being? Where did it come from? Hopefully, some questions can be clarified and they can be logically believed, though, of course, I cannot give a completely definitive answer.

To a creationist, in this case I will be referring to fundamental Christians, the universe was created ex nihilo (from nothing) by God in six days, as described in the book of Genesis. While this position has been ridiculed by many scientists (evolutionists/atheists/humanists/progressive creationists) it is no less valid today than it was during the fifteen hundreds. The creationists base their thinking on a certain framework that everything that is observed can be explained in a Biblical way.

This is equally the case with the evolutionist (someone who believes in either Darwinian evolution or neo-Darwinism) as they have a fundamental set of presuppositions into which they must also fit all the evidence. When partaking in anything like this we must remember that everyone has the same set of facts (evidence), it is only how we interpret this evidence to fit our presupposed beliefs that the answers differ.


第2个回答  2019-08-11
第3个回答  2007-10-14