

1. I like the gift that was bought by him. 字面意思:我喜欢被他买的那个礼物。也就是说:我喜欢他买的那个礼物。
2. He gave me the bread which was made by himself. 他给了我他自己做的面包。
3. I miss the shop that is closed by the police. 我怀念那家被警察关掉的商店。
4. I don't want clothes that are given by her. 我不想要她给的衣服。
5. He paid for the chair that was broken by his sister. 他赔付了那个被他妹妹弄坏的椅子。
6. Human should protect our mother earth who is hurt badly by us. 人类应该保护被我们重重伤害的地球母亲。
7. I only accept the invitation that is sent by him. 我只接受他发来的邀请。
8. We should obey the law that is made by people. 我们应该遵守人民制定的法律。
9. She is looking forward to the future that is colored with kinds of exciting plans. 她期待着被各种振奋人心的计划所渲染的未来。
10. She moved into the house that was bought by her parents. 她住进了他父母买的房子。