
就是 北京西城区2012年第一学期期末 高三语文 的文言文阅读的翻译
就是这三段的翻译 中文翻译

很久之后,裴度升任御史中丞。宣徽院的五坊小使,(每年)秋季要(到京城附近的地区)校阅鹰犬。所到之处,骚扰官吏理事,得到厚礼馈赠后才离去。下邽县令裴寰是一个有才能的官员,他没有赠送礼物,小使们就诬陷裴寰狂言侮辱朝廷,皇帝下诏将其拘捕入狱,打算以“大不敬”罪处置他。宰相武元衡委婉地劝解,宪宗很生气,不予理睬。裴度到延英殿进见,陈述裴寰无罪。宪宗恼怒地说:“(如果)裴寰确实无罪,就杖责五坊小使;如果小使们无罪,就将杖责裴寰。”裴度回答说:“(若论)责罚,您说的本来合理。只是裴寰作为县令, 顾惜陛下的子民,怎么可以加罪于他呢?”宪宗怒色立消,便下令释放了裴寰。
第1个回答  2012-01-30


第2个回答  2012-01-30
Time, Assistant Officer in Royal history. Xuan Hui small autumn Reading Eagle five square dog, wheezing, and thick enough rating Xie Nai. Next State
Pei Huan, collectors, not for the ceremony, texture Atlas to screw up, sending all the prisons that when impious. Prime Minister Wu Yuanheng euphemisms Zheng, while net for catching Hare.
See extended British Temple, Atlas of innocents, anger, saying: "Atlas of innocence, small; small innocent, IL wand Atlas. "Degrees:" responsibility if
This solid-Yi, Atlas, cherishes the people of his Majesty, Encore crime? "We, was released on Atlas.
And ten years, Oracle on anxious of Wu Yuanji, slow Cai Bing, Wang Chengzong, Li Shidao tastes, is volts stolen Beijing, Minister of thorn proven itself,
Harm Prime Minister Yuan Heng, hit, falling ditch, thief dead _ died. On the degree, Ann.: pin fance, di angrily said:
"Or, day! If, is a thief-total fitness line. My degree, broken foot three thieves! "
When Yu, against adverse Choi, qunchen go, please supervise operations of vivid, the Emperor alone _ to stay, saying: "fruit there I shall line? ”
Tears fell down flow: "Robinson thief named Mackay and vow not to save. "Thanks to the artistry of Assistant Minister, underperforming the rebellion Festival, Huai Sai vision comfort flattering net for catching Hare. Degree
Yancheng, Dr to the army, declared dynastic kindness, fen Yu Yong. When is, soldiers of various road middle and officers in prison, and Department leads. Go play
So autocratic, command, air times.