
It is an excellent idea to give your child a chocolate bar to finsh his or her homework.It is said that the sweet treat can be helpful in calculating, The study,shown at the British Psychological Society meeting,is great news for studets whose favorite is chocolate when preparing for math exam. For the study,30 volunteers were asked to calculate in groups of three from numbers between 800and 999 createdby a computer casually. The findings showed that they could do the calculations more quickly ang correctly sfter they had been given chocilate.The findings also showed that the vilunteers didi not get tried easily even if they were being asked to do the calculations over andover for an hour. Howere,it was not true when the volunteers were asked to calculate in groups of seven.That is to say,chocolate hes less effect on a more difficult task because different calculations need different parts of the brain. Why dies chocolate have effect on the human brain? That is because chocolate has flavanols,which can increase the blood flow to the brain.That is to say,they are good for our brain, In fact,not only chocolate but also xome fruit ang vegetables have flavanols,such as apples ang grapes.So,the more fruit ang vegetables that are high in flavanols we eat,the better that is for our brain.

第1个回答  2011-12-11
第2个回答  2011-12-07