英文商务信函中,假如要写这么一句话,该怎么写? 你好,我是布朗,是露西的同事,今后由我负责钢材业务,

翻译: 你好,我是布朗,是露西的同事,今后由我负责钢材业务,与你联系。。。

Hi, I'm Brown, Lucy's colleague. From now on, I am in charge of the steel business. Please contact me...
第1个回答  2011-08-30
How are you?This is Brown,Nancy's colleague and I am responsibe for the steel business instead of Lucy in the future.
第2个回答  2011-08-30
Mr.** (Ms. **):
How do you do. My name is Browm,the colleague of Lucy. I am honorable to contact with you to inform that I will take over and be in responsible to in charge of the steel business in the place of Lucy, and consult with you.
第3个回答  2011-08-30
Hi xxx,

My name is Brown, and I'm Lucy's colleague. I will be in charge of the steel business, and communicate with you...