

1. Tribute, as a word root, means "to give."
2. Attribute means "to ascribe to" and is related to the word root tribute.
3. The phrase "attribute to" is similar to "ascribe to."
4. Contribute means "to give assistance" and is related to the word root tribute.
5. Retribute means "to repay" and is associated with the word root tribute.
6. The word distribute means "to hand out" and is derived from the word root tribute.
7. The wordject series is derived from the word rootject, which means "to throw."
8. Reject means "to throw back" and is related to the word rootject.
9. A projectile is an object that is thrown forward, corresponding to the word rootject.
10. The word project refers to a task or item and is derived from the word rootject.
11. Inject means "to insert into a vein" and is associated with the word rootject.
12. The word subjective means "related to personal opinion" and is derived from the word rootject.
13. The word object means "a thing" or "a target" and is related to the word rootject.
14. Objective means "related to facts or reality" and is derived from the word rootject.
Additional information:
15. Word roots, prefixes, and suffixes are components of English words.
16. A word is generally composed of three parts: a root, a prefix, and a suffix.
17. The root of a word determines its meaning, while prefixes and suffixes alter the word's meaning and word class.
18. Word roots are the core part of English word formation.
19. The meaning of a word is mainly determined by its root, which can also combine with other roots to form new words.
20. Prefixes and suffixes can modify the meaning and word class of a word.