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How to Save Money 如何节省钱

I ‘m here to talk about money.我今天来这里谈的主题是金钱.

We all need money.我们都需要钱.

We all want to be rich.我们都想富有.

We all want to make a fortune.我们都想发财.

Money doesn’t grow on trees.钱不会长在树上.

Money doesn’t come easily.钱来之不易.

Let me tell you how to save money.让我来告诉你如何省钱.

First, you must be frugal.首先,你必须节俭.

you should be careful with your money.谨慎使用你的钱.

You should be a conservative spender.花钱要保守.

Live within your means.生活要量入为出.

Live within your budget.生活不要超过预算.

Never spend more than you make.不要花的钱比你赚的钱还多.

Look before you leap.三思而后行.

Manage money wisely.精明地理财.

Don’t let money burn a hole in your pocket.


Second, don’t be a borrower.第二,不要做负债者.

Pay off your bills.付清帐单

Pay off what you owe.付清你欠的钱.

Out of debt, out of danger.脱离债务,就脱离危险.

Debt is like a bottomless pit.债务就像无底洞.

Once in it, you fall deeper and deeper.一旦负债,就越陷越深.

Be debt free.完全不要负债.

Never borrow from others.不要跟别人借钱.

Keep away form debt.远离债务.

Third, don’t be a lender.第三,不要做债主.

Never lend money to others.绝不借钱给别人.

Lend your money and lose your friend.把钱借给朋友,就会失去朋友.

Lend only in case of emergency.只有在紧急时才借钱给别人.

Lend only if the need is reasonable.只有理由正当才借.

If your friend asks for one hundred, lend him twenty.


No borrowing,不要跟别人借钱.

No lending.不要借钱给别人.

Penny and penny laid up will be many.积少成多.

Fourth, buy things with cash,第四,用现金购物.

Avoid using credit cards.避免使用信用卡.

Avoid those interest payments.避免支付利息.

Never spend your money before you have it.钱没拿到手就别先花掉.

Never buy things you cannot afford.别买你买不起的东西.

Try to do without credit cards.尝试不用信用卡. Try to do....尝试;Try doing..

Buy only what you need.只买你需要买的东西.

Don’t buy what you want.别买你想要的东西.

Know the difference to save money.分辨这其中的差别,才能存钱.

The above is my advice.以上是我的建议.

From saving comes having.节俭为致富之本.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be.不要做负债者,也不要做债主.

Follow these rules .遵循这些原则.

The sky is the limit.一切都是可能的.

Your millions are waiting for you.百万身价正在等着你.

Thanks for listening,感谢你们听我演讲.

Have a great day.祝你们愉快!

Now start saving for financial success.现在,就为财务上成功开始存钱吧