

1. Take in 表示"吸收"或"理解",如:The students took in the new information quickly.
2. Take over 表示"接管"或"接任",如:She will take over the project next month.
3. Take off 表示"起飞"或"迅速成功",如:The plane is scheduled to take off at 8 PM.
4. Take away 表示"拿走"或"减去",如:Please take away the empty plates.
5. Take out 表示"取出"或"带某人出去",如:She took out a loan to buy a new car.
6. Take down 表示"记下"或"拆除",如:Please take down these notes for the meeting.
7. Take up 表示"占用时间"或"从事",如:He took up painting as a hobby.
8. Take down a notch 表示"使某人谦虚"或"降低某人的傲气",如:Her recent failures have taken her down a notch.
9. Take to 表示"开始喜欢"或"开始习惯",如:He has taken to drinking coffee in the morning.
10. Take after 表示"与(某人)相像",如:She takes after her mother with her musical talent.