
1. Instal IP-clamp 1.1, *DO NOT REBOOT* and *DO NOT EXECUTE IT*!

2. Fire our keygen, press Crack and pick Cebas/Ip-clamp dir.
(only the public crypto key will be patched)

3.Now you can reboot and make sure ipclamp service is running.

Launch IP-Clamp.exe and choose 'localhost' as primary network adapter, apply.
4. Create a request file using your personnal informations
and a licence code generated by our keygen.
5. Use keygen to generate a valid licence ipclamp.lic from this request.
Save the lic where except in IPClamp's dir (otherwise you won't
be able to import the it).
6. Import your licence in IP-Clamp.
7. Install every Cebas plug-ins you need.
8. Enjoy it!

NB: if you already have IP-clamp 1.1 installed skip to 7 :)

1. Instal IP-clamp 1.1, *DO NOT REBOOT* and *DO NOT EXECUTE IT*!
安装1.1(版)互联网协议防护罩(IP-clamp 英语解释很可能是:some sort of IP locking or blocking unit or program) 。 * 切勿重新启动(电脑)* 也不要执行它(指 IP-clamp )
2. Fire our keygen, press Crack and pick Cebas/Ip-clamp dir.
(only the public crypto key will be patched)
激活我们的注册机【是为软件注册生成所需的注册码的一种程序】,压缩软件破解器并选择Cebas/Ip-clamp (具体意思参照上面所述)目录。
3.Now you can reboot and make sure ipclamp service is running.
Launch IP-Clamp.exe and choose 'localhost' as primary network adapter, apply
启动(可执行程序的扩展名) IP-Clamp ,并把本地服务器选择为主要的网络适配器,aply (下面这句话没有具体写清楚,无法翻译)
4. Create a request file using your personnal informations
and a licence code generated by our keygen
请使用您的个人信息的来 创建(一个)请求文件,并根据我们注册机(的程序)创建一个许可生成注册码。
5. Use keygen to generate a valid licence ipclamp.lic from this request.
Save the lic where except in IPClamp's dir (otherwise you won't
be able to import the it).
请用注册机生成一个有效的许可ipclamp , (这就是)来自这个请求的许可证。
请不要在IPClamp 的目录中保存这个(请求)许可证(否则,你就不能输入这个许可证)。
6. Import your licence in IP-Clamp.
请在 IP-Clamp 中输入你的许可证。
7. Install every Cebas plug-ins you need.
请在你需要的插件程序中(注:不是一个插件程序,而是多个),安装每一个Cebas 。
8. Enjoy it!
NB: if you already have IP-clamp 1.1 installed skip to 7 :)
现在就可以享受(即使用)IP-Clamp 了。

笔记本电脑:如果您已经安装好了 IP-clamp 1.1(版),那么请跳至7 (即上面所说的【请在你需要的插件程序中(注:不是一个插件程序,而是多个),安装每一个Cebas 】)。

解释:本人几乎完全不懂电脑,只是查阅资料,并通过对英语的语法结构的分析而尽量直译而已,有些专业术语如: IP-clamp ,keygen,Crack,Cebas/Ip-clamp ,Cebas,等等的意思还有待于专业人士定夺,括号里的解释也是尽量为了说明清楚而作的解释,所以,译文的篇幅有点罗嗦。希望能够对你有所帮助,如果可能的话,也请您对我的译文“正确度”给予评价,以便让我知道假如不懂专业时敢不敢去尝试专业的翻译。谢谢。
第1个回答  2011-10-23
1。Instal IP-clamp 1.1,* * *不要重启不执行* !

2。我们的序列号的话,火灾,按裂缝和选择Cebas / Ip-clamp目录。







除了保存在IPClamp lic的目录(否则你不会





注:如果你已经安装IP-clamp 1.1跳到7:)
