岳飞传 文言文翻译


师每休舍,课将士注坡跳壕,皆重铠习之.子云尝习注坡,马踬,怒而鞭之.卒有取民麻一缕以束刍者,立斩以徇.卒夜宿,民开门愿纳,无敢入者.军号"冻死不拆屋,饿死不卤掠."卒有疾,躬为调药;诸将远戍,遣妻问劳其家;死事者哭之而育其孤,或以子婚其女.凡有颁犒,均给军吏,秋毫不私. 0.0

1 岳飞十分孝顺,母亲留在黄河以北地区,他派人去探望母亲,并且把母亲迎接归来。他的母亲有很难治愈的疾病,端药喂药一定要亲自来。他的母亲过世之后,他不喝水不吃饭三天。他的家里没有姬妾陪侍。吴玠向来佩服岳飞,想要和他结交,便装扮了有名的女子送给岳飞。岳飞说:“现在皇上到了很晚的时候还因忧心天下而没睡,怎么会是我们当大将的人享受安乐的时候?”岳飞推辞不肯接受,吴玠更加尊敬佩服他了。岳飞年轻时候喜欢大量喝酒,皇帝告诫他说:“你在某天到达河朔的时候,才可以痛快喝酒。”岳飞就再也不喝酒了,皇帝开始的时候想为岳飞建造府邸,岳飞推辞说:“敌人还没有被消灭,怎么能够建立自己的府邸呢?”有的人问天下什么时候太平,岳飞说:“文臣不吝惜钱,武臣不吝惜死,天下就太平了。”

2 岳飞的部队每次安营扎寨的时候,(他)命令将士下陡坡跳战壕,将士们都穿着厚重的铠甲练习。(岳飞的)儿子岳云曾经练习下陡坡,马失蹄了,(岳飞)愤怒地拿鞭子抽他。兵卒里有拿百姓一缕麻用来绑草垛的人,(岳飞)立刻斩杀了他来遵循(法令)。士兵们晚上休息,百姓开了自家的门愿意接纳他们,没有敢进入的兵卒。(岳飞部队的)军号是“冻死不拆屋,饿死不卤掠。”士兵有疾病,(岳飞)亲自为他们调药;各个将士到远方戍边,(岳飞)派遣妻子问候慰劳他们的家属;死于战事的士兵,(岳飞)为他们哭泣而且养育他们的孤儿,或者把儿子和他们的女儿婚配。大凡有颁奖犒赏,平均分配给军官小吏,一点都没有私心。


第1个回答  2011-11-05
第2个回答  2012-05-17
Yue Fei Peng Ju words, a state Shangyin. Bank of farmers. Father and to diet in Dhi day. Have their land invasion, and with cutting; Who do not borrow the money for compensation. Fei Health, a big bird if swan, Feiming room, because they were. Not reconciled months of the Yellow River must, and water prices, with fly home Yao Block Weng, salt -- and a free shore, people from it. Less emotional Festival layers words, poor mechanics, particularly good in Spring and Autumn -- 080-022421, Sun Wu Tzu. Health have funded, not up, pull bow three hundred pounds of cross-bow eight stone. School radio and Zhou Tong, to do their games, could influence fire. Mon death back at their graves located Ji. Father justice, the expression : "deeply use the death of actions between countries. " Fei Lan, home to Hebei, seeking to dig, welcome to. Home with chronic disease, crops will be pro-. Home maintenance, water does not mix importers 3. Home-Ji wrote. Wu Jie clothes flying, and would like to enjoy, ornaments were pretty woman behind it. Fei said : "The last night suggest that risks of general well-being? "are not, Jie benefits accurately. Less anxious, Timor warning of expression : "State-specific, to Heshuo, is to drink. "was not drinking. Dichu to fly Battalion, fly by expression : "the enemy is not poverty, why home? "or asked when peaceful world, flying expression :" Wen Chen do not love money, Wu Chen to death, peace across the land borders. " Each division off homes, class officers and men of note slope jump ditches are the heavy armor Xi. Son cloud taste Xi Note slope, Ma stumble, anger and whip them. China has taken the first ever to beam Chu, Aguilar Tsam to accommodate. Single night, that China is willing to open the door, no one entrants. Bugle "died not discounted housing, not halogen off starvation. "There are strong ahead, contrary to the tone medicine; Yet far 20th, sent the wife asked workers home; Death of a person crying and fed his analysis, or in a marriage of their daughter. Give a bonus to those who have had to Junli, no private autumn. Good to less attacking public. To be cited, and seeking to make Zhaozhu control, and then seeking a war, it is winning a battle. Abrupt guilty intact, the enemy was language used to say : "Lastly Yi, Shaken Yuejiajun difficult. "Zhang taste asked using the games, said :" Yan, intellectual, letter, bravery, Yan, Que one not. "Fresh-Army, will frowning expression :" Southeast ability, took a very wrong moves. "Jing Hu Ping, raised private fields and to Zheng, provincial center of a half years. Timor handwritten Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang and Yang Hu three things the world. Flying lessons later, that speaks for the independence of control and alienation, particularly juniper are also evil. Zhang was dead, flew flu old ex, Ju his son were present, an official band. Since Chu Li to return, Hanshizhong left, the cry would like to fly Po, Shizhong to book to consult, to fly the expression : "both countries, Dr hours each? "Shizhong gasp in admiration. Xiangyang dispute, the imperial order for the assistance of the World Bank-ray, both of the sixth districts, only to who-ray, fly to do us the courtesy of playing World Army. Good Yin Y, on the history, Song of Solomon vote pots, such as student numbers numbers. Every official, will say : "the officers and men of the effectiveness of a fly Ho Kung? "However, his fierce anger, a discussion is not repeated in people, much as a disaster.
第3个回答  2011-10-30
第4个回答  2011-10-30