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  Jazz Music (Jazz), one kind of musical forms of African origin, from folk songs evolved. Jazz in various forms showing a boom, the music style is extremely bright, rhythm generally clear, strong, and from roots blues, Ragtime (Ragtime), through the New Orleans jazz to Dixieland jazz, swing, mainstream jazz than pop , modern jazz to free jazz and electronic jazz.

  In less than a century of time, this is called jazz [1] (jazz music) (Jazz music) music, with significant U.S. featuring music from the unknown, originated in the folk music developed into the United States produced the most weighty kind of art. Today, almost every corner of the world there are people listening and playing it. Jazz to so many forms, and each form is very important, both to maintain its own unique characteristics and charm and has spread. If you want to enjoy a variety of jazz, and understand all the fun, you can not not need to have an open mind, compatibility and listening.

  During the 19th century American music, southern plantation life of black slaves and emotional self-expression, an important tool. From the 19th century, the Anglo-American traditional music with jazz, based on a mixture of blues , ragtime and other music genres, is a "hybrid" product. America 's black music saved a lot of the African character, rhythm features clear, but retains the characteristics of collective improvisation. This traditional and new live music - mostly vocal - combining the results of the birth of a new sound rather than just a new form of musical expression.
  The most famous of the African - American music is religious in nature. These whites are beautiful and moving songs to listen to, but more than rural black church in singing these songs a little more upper-class taste . Today people know gospel music (gospel music) more accurately reflects the early Afro-American people's sense of emotional power and melody, not the first decade of the twentieth century, the famous Fisk Jubilee Singers of religious music of inheritance.
  Other early music in the form of the system can be traced back to the era of slavery work songs, songs and dance music, these have become an important musical legacy, particularly taking into account the system at the time, music activities are quite restricted.

  Bruce was born
  In the slavery system was abolished, slaves have been liberated after the African - American music developed rapidly. Band of the abandoned musical instruments with the newly acquired freedom of movement to form the bedrock of jazz: brass music, dance , Bruce. Seemingly simple as a musical form, can have almost infinite real change, any kind of jazz has always been an important part, and it succeeded in maintaining its own independent existence. Can say that if there can be no blues today's rock . A brief description of the characteristics of Blues is generally: it every eight or twelve sections of the music for a segment composed music, lyrics closely, its "melancholy (blue)," the cause is the characteristic scale of the "mi" sounds and "si" sound down a semitone. In fact, as Bruce is corresponding with religious music as a form of secular music.


第1个回答  2011-10-20
incomparable beauty