

一.引导时间状语从句 1.一边..一边:I read the letter as I walked along the river. 2.随着:As the wealth of the country increases,more waste will be produced. 3.两件事同时发生:As I was going out the telephone rang. 4.表示一个比较长的时间背景:Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially sa father was away. 二.倒装中表让步 Strong sa he is,he is afaid of pain. 三.倒装中表原因 Tired as they were,they went to bed as soon as they came back. 四.引导非限定语从句 As you know,I've decided to leave at the end of the month. 五.区别 1.AS/LIKE 作"如,像,按照"解时,AS可用作连词,其后可引出方式状语从句,即引出另一套主谓结构,在正式英语中LIKE只能作介词不能作连词.如: Please try to write as I do/like me. 当AS和LIKE都作介词时,词义不同,AS表示“作为,以...资格"(不作"像"解),LIKE则表示"像,与...相似",如: Disney's success as a cartoon-maker had begun. Tom acted like our leader. 2.AS/BECAUSE AS表示听者已经知道的原因,常位于句首.BECAUSE表示听者不知道的原因,常位于句尾,成为信息的焦点.所以,AS不能回答WHY的问题,也不能在强调句型中作为被强调的成分,BECAUSE则相反. 3.AS/WHILE/WHEN AS不能分先后,而指并相发生,尤指短动作或事件同时发生,还可以说明两种正在发展或变化的情况. WHILE引导的时间状语从句表示时间的延续,即表示一段时间,而不是瞬间,不能与瞬间动词连用(如ARRIVE,COME,GO,STOP,FINISH等) WHEN既可以表示时间位置,也可以表示时候延续,所以既可以用瞬间动词,又可以用持续动词(如LIVE,STUDY,STAY等) 4.AS/ALTHOUGH/THOUGH AS和THOUGH在倒装句中可互换,ALTHOUGH一般不用于倒装句,如: Boy as/though he is ,he is chose king. Happy as/though the bride is,she will feel homesick in the beginning. Although it was very cold,he went out without an overcoat.
