英语问答中使用As...As or not as...as and than. 我该怎么写?

Omar is president of the International Students’ Association at an American college. He wants to write an article for the college newspaper about international students’ reactions to life in America. He made a survey of the international students. Help him to write the answers in a more tactful and polite way.
1.Children in America watch more TV.
Children in My country don’t watch as much TV as they do in America.

2.People have dinner very early in America.
3.People eat more fast food in America.
4.Food is cheaper in America.
5.Americans work longer hours than people in my country.
6.People change jobs more easily in America.
7.Cities are cleaner in America.
8.People drive longer distances in America than in my country.
Do you agree or disagree with these comments? Do you have any comments of your own that Omar could include in his article? Add them here:

应该是 Children in My country don’t watch TV as much as the children in America.