

Here's one I just wrote, enjoy.


P1: Yo Mike, what's that stain on your pants? is that what I think it is?
P2: Nah, just ate some yogurt. I guess I dropped some
P3: Hey Mike, is that cum on...
P2: Hey, watch my mouth, FUCK YOU. it's the fucking yogurt.
P3: FUCK me? FUCK you 2!
P2: Fuck you 3!
P3: FUck you 4!
P2: Fuck you 5!
P3: Fuck you 6!
P4: whoa whoa, I know you guys can count, you don't need to prove anything man~
P5: Yo Dustin, what's that on your pants?
P2: Don't...
P5: Chill man, just asking. by the way, you guys have any idea why Mandy acted like that in the class? It was like somebody fucked her and told her that she has a dry vagina.
P6: What Vagina?
P1: Nah, we were just talking about Mandy's behavior. It was like some body said that she has a dry vagina.
P6: Who told you I said that?
P12345: (silent)
P2: Dude, you really banged Mandy?
P6: No shit, I thought she had a great time
P4: Apparently she didn't, darn it, I gotta go, my sister told me to buy her some tampons.
P5: I guess her boy friend's gonna have to play with himself for a while.
P4: what?
P5: Nothing...
P3: What's your plan tonight? party?
P12456: Hell yeah, Lee's house, 8 pm
P2: better got some weed
P1: Lee always got weed, don't worry, his father planted truckloads in his backyard.
P23456: No fucking way!
P1: Way! no more bullshit, I gotta go, see you guys at Lee's
P23456: yeah.追问



dude, that's long enough for you guys to play 3 minutes....

and....what do you mean you can't understand it?

r u challenging me?

第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-16