

Since its inception, China's huawei company with some of the key enterprises, universities and medical institutions carries out a wide range of technical cooperation in various forms and gives full play to the high-tech company introduction of foreign advanced technology.追问

请问你的动词carry 不应该用has carried或has been carrying吗
还有最后的桥梁作用 不需要翻出来吗。

第1个回答  2016-04-21
Since founded, Huawei carry out the extensive and diversified technique cooperation with some of the key enterprises, universities and medical institutions, and play a role of a bridge to take introduces the overseas high tech vanguard technology.
第2个回答  2016-12-19
human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with
第3个回答  2016-12-08
man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he
第4个回答  2016-11-26
etches before us in the constant pa