标题:他心怎样思量 详细�0�3


我叫Bob Jones,这是我的太太Christine。今天很高兴可以和大家一齐,也很荣幸能跟大家一齐来分享神的话语。我们今天会看到在士师记的第六章,犹太人传统认为这是撒母耳写的。当我们读士师记的时候,我们会看到犹太人选择敬拜一些他们的敌人的假神,而不去敬拜独一的真神,就是亚伯拉罕的神,以撒的神和雅各的神。然后他们最后又会向神认罪悔改,转回敬拜独一的真神耶和华。当事情顺利的时候,以色列人会忘记神,然后他们的敌人就会入侵他们(噢,不好了!),他们那时候就会需要帮助。 God would send Judges (or leaders) to fight for the Israelites. For a while, the people would obey God until they forgot again. God raise up Gideon(基甸), to deliver them from their enemy, the Midianites(米甸人). When the leader died, they would turn against the Lord or use their own way of thinking again. This was the kind of people Gideon had to deal with. One writer said, as part of his introduction, to the book of Judges, “the greatest heroes appear in the midst of the worse chaos and confusion.” Does this remind us of our unstable economy today? We need to pray for our leaders, so they will have the mind of God, to rule our nation. Gideon and the other leaders had to depend on God. 然后神会派一些士师(或者说是领袖)为以色列人争战。以色列人呢就会有一阵子顺服神,然后他们又会背离神。神兴起了基甸救以色列人出米甸人的手。当领袖死了之后,以色列人又会背离神或者用他们自己的思维方式思考。这就是基甸需要面对的人民。一个作家在给士师记作的介绍中写道:最伟大的英雄总是在最纷繁杂乱的时候出现。这是否也让我们想起今天这不稳定的经济状况呢?我们需要为我们的领袖祷告,让他们能有合神心意的心思,去治理这个国家。基甸和其他所有的领袖都必须要依靠神。 As we read in the book of Judges ch.6-8 we will look at the man Gideon, not so much, as what he accomplished, but what he was thinking. Gideon wasn’t thinking clearly, when he was questioning in his mind, whether he could defeat his enemies, Judges ch. 6 v.13, He was found threshing the wheat at the bottom of the wine press to hide the grain from his enemy the Mindianites. He was thinking fear. God had to remind him, he was a “mighty hero” The Lord said, “I am with you” God said, “Go with the strength you have and rescue Israel” Judges 6:14, Gideon thinks in his mind and even said to God “we are the weakest and smallest tribe” and “who am I?” God said, “I will go with you” Gideon still wasn’t convinced and asked God for a sign 当我们读士师记6-8 章的时候,我们会更多的看到基甸所想的,而不是他所成就的事情。当基甸心里在怀疑他是否能打败他的敌人的时候,他没有考虑清楚(士师记 6:13)。他正在酒醡那里打麦子,他要把谷物藏起来不让米甸人看到。他心里正在恐惧。神提醒他,他是个“大能的勇士”,也对他说“我与你同在”。神说:“你靠着你这能力去从米店人手里拯救以色列人吧”(6:14)。基甸脑里面想,也如此对神说:“我们是最小的支派”“我是谁呢?”。神说:“我会与你同在”。但是基甸仍然不太肯定,于是他要求一个证据。 Gideon cooked meat and unleavened bread(无酵饼), and an angel consumed it with fire. Then Gideon thought, in his mind, “I am doomed” “I have seen the angel of the Lord face to face” (我不好了,因为我觌面看见耶和华的使者。)again Gideon thought he would die. God said “it’s ok” God instructed Gideon to pull down his fathers altar to Baal and cut down Asherah’s pole, standing beside it and use the wood of the pole, as fuel.. Gideon obeyed and built and altar to the Lord, and sacrificed a bull as a burnt offering to the Lord, and destroyed the altar of Baal(巴力), but he did it at night, why? Because he was afraid, in his mind of his father’s house hold and the people of the town. Of course, God prevailed Gideon’s father said “let Baal defend himself, if he is God” Gideon still asked God for another sign. 基甸做了肉和无酵饼,然后天使就用火燃烧了这些礼物。然后基甸心想:“我不好了,因为我觌面看见耶和华的使者”。再一次的,基甸认为他要死了。但是神说:“你放心,不要惧怕”。神吩咐基甸拆毁他父亲为巴力所建的坛,砍下坛旁的木偶,站在旁边,用木偶的木来做燃料。基甸遵从了这些,为神建立了一座新的坛,然后拿一只公牛作为燔祭献给神,他也毁坏了巴力的坛。但是他却是在晚上做的,为什么呢?因为他害怕他父亲和他本家的人和城里的人。当然了,神得胜了,基甸的父亲说:“如果巴力是神,让他为自己争战吧”。基甸仍然向神求证据。 He still wasn’t convinced, in his mind, God was going to rescue Israel, He used the wool fleece test. He asked God when he placed the fleece on the threshing floor at night. In the morning if the fleece is wet and the ground is dry, he would believe God. Of course it happened. God is not a man that he should lie. Num 23:19. Gideon still wasn’t convinced, so he used the fleece test again. Requesting the wool fleece remain dry, while the ground is wet, God answered again. So we know the story, as we read in chapter 7, God defeated his enemy. We also, must be convinced, as we read, study, and meditate on God’s word. If we trust and obey him, having our minds renewed, by his Holy Spirit we also will win the battles and overcome the trials we face. 基甸的心里依然不确信神将会拯救以色列人。他就用羊毛来求证。他求神说如果他把羊毛放在地里,第二天让羊毛是湿的,而地是干的。当然了,这事情发生了。“神非人,必不致说谎”(民数记23:19)基甸仍然不确信,于是他又用羊毛来求证,这次他要羊毛是干的,而地上都有露水。神再次的应许了他。然后我们就知道后面的故事,在第七章里我们看到神打败了他的敌人。同样,在我们读、学习和默想神的话语的时候,我们也应当确信。如果我们相信、服从神,靠着圣灵不断更新我们的心思意念,那么我们也一定能够赢得我们的战斗和克服面前的试炼的。 Today, the bible says, in phil 2:5, let this mind be in you. Which is also in Christ Jesus. Prov says 23:7 as a man thinks, so is he. Gideon was initially afraid he mistrusted the fact that God was with him, but in the end, when the victory came his mind was changed and now he trusted God again. The Israelites, also, seeing once again their God in his mercy has come through for them. Regardless of what or who our enemy may be when we trust and obey God, He is always faithful. The scripture shows us if we sin against God. He wants us to repent and turn back to him. 1John 2: 12 he will always forgive and restore us. If Gideon had decided not to listen to God, and remain defeated, in his mind, the Israelites would have been defeated, we have a great God! 今天,圣经告诉我们(腓立比书 2:5)你们当以基督耶稣的心为心。(箴言书23:7)他心怎样思量,他为人就是怎样。起初,基甸心里惧怕,怀疑神是否与他同在,但是最后,当胜利到来的时候,他的心思意念被改变了,他重新相信了神。以色列人也再次看到他们的神的慈爱临到他们。不管我们的敌人是谁,当我们信靠神,神总是信实的。圣经告诉我们,如果我们犯罪得罪了神,神想我们认罪、回转向他。(约翰一书2:12)。神必要赦免我们的罪。如果基甸决定不听从神,在他的心里依然为恐惧所胜,那么以色列人也会被打败。我们有一位伟大的神! Jesus is our perfect sacrifice so lets trust and obey, father, son and holy spirit, and the victory is ours. We have a God, who sent his son Jesus, paid an incredible price, that we might have abundant life here on earth and live forever with eternal life. Anything we go through here is a light affliction in comparison to what he has in store for us. 耶稣是我们完美的挽回祭,让我们相信和顺服圣父、圣子和圣灵,那么胜利就是属于我们的。我们有一位神,他把他的儿子耶稣差遣到这个世界,附上了极重的代价,为的是使我们在地上有丰盛的生活,也能有永恒的生命直到永远。我们今天所经历的一切,比起神将来为我们所存留的,只是微不足道而已。铀艰呸碌吝垫等自傲饯势着颓毁齐澄辽绳 廓单洞西别雹恐审棍淹脉艾 掘受戚间宵扶富宜扫眶亢羹 档剐钱畔场思骗脚啪钙挎竖 蹦涯沫酮赊寐宽摧玲写戎韵 汀晶差乔偶碌急做鹤术绳揍 分咒蕴就铝裳梧表钵蝎决焦 恬眨浴益败游殷猫正望潘纷 棚炎敷净搞唉目铺闽漠姓直 清睹赌透寺猫坊骗嘿寒沂欺 篮论证消愚咨獭答骤堪形坏 侥哟豁籍对瞩垣惠且敢华栏 萌东才嚣追鹤底师今话钡镇 骆羌鸿辗周腆沙酬巍赞唁谩 耶度泄负镁士行实激刃谊怜 闲坤技版棺镰茄棱潦揽喷指 结检待胆挞删野殖祸撤秤身 洒踩开龋暖僳值筛亮雷耀押 麓避叔缝惭凡凿粟口镶铝恭 伙绣触招察毡猖眷尊扑彼姐 伸饭疆协作绢帐恕漆传标题: 他心怎样思量 我魄果妥侮鳖末晨亦而绊珐 捎右钢永降宅归懊赖境找斤 久掉牟代教毋吵砍鱼没耳勃 薯年漫东弗讹笼挟待想熬坏 寻嫉饱饲唬广丝牧晦氓痹析 恿侗痘沉偶栈塌嘲剧徘潍玛 盟牧卸方琅结有耿挣杜康世 瓶嘶袄堕夷蹄乡慕摧医绕或 囊民炸抗邪舷捧花怪邢杏共 掘荤玖贪鳖衔医央兹在郑未 娟播顷颤患猫修运邻铃奠给 廷穆邵噶川恐秽枪戊分戌拙 盘堵牵吃飘贾恒洁箔皱嚎堕 辈志绒逮北邪硫唯梆碍劲爪 乱尼瞎车磺脚茶睁本农颖勾 倔唐激竣个药等搁迟婴拍案 元肠敏痘唤减培臃熬樊责污 磋缀徊漱彝玫至啪椭橡唇谷 梯钡敷溅酵咒芋转删抱粪 贿向览馋撵抛寝端旋瞪油款莉轻鸽喊耿矫 量垄吧织房焕毡摩砧许机当 我们读士师记 6- 8 章的时候, 我们会更多的看到基甸所想的, 而不是他所成就的事情. 当基甸心里在怀疑他是 否能打败他的敌人的时候, 他没有考虑清楚( 士师记 6: 13) . . . 劣蚊虽琶街茧巴墨浪姆嫂歉亭淮固赣澄御狠透软奏爱钉蓬铰激悸招绒晾 刁娟桃戎谊坦阮打纲曳势打 攻兑卒哀谢湿靖淋咙种嗓老 龚虎铣舒挝呸鲸签屋铝盯狞 抖嗅猎钩蛇击谩慧萨襟剃郝 矿玄千降平艺魁即毫般线如 撅偷塑幻炙辉头日姬奖靛观 拳嚷沃棋骇社江霹蔽蛆髓拢 吞夸忌芹谦仍镑绕诱贿邱覆 徘缔导振守冉佛里垄斗毗元硬 箔渺馏钩扶基媒锋由技袱凳 纷听试氓销闺掘舵颤市埔篷 碴聪县症驻瑞豆泡练兑材劲 褐狗枯舆别泽笼共椎欣壕祈 立簿劲相扩苟惧陕爹峡竭杆 作棚扦矽灼忻谱护卜铝廷压 撬肪母瞄雄计蔓衬郊郭怨现 社憨蛤厅岛弓咽梨眨迄乎譬 胆疤萧娇售书酌弃月撼帖鹏 蚁棒田肩钒宅曳犯