
然而,随着经历了更多有趣的事情,我发现,我所追求的是我的身心的提升,而不是一纸文凭。However, with more interesting things I experienced, I found that what should I go for is my improving of body and mind, not a college degree.

语法错误:1.what should I go for ——>what I should go for;
2. is my improving of body and mind-->is to improve my body and mind
修改译文:However, as my experience enriched with more interesting things, I began to realize that what I should go for is to improve my body and soul rather than to merely seek for a college diploma.
第1个回答  2013-10-16
However,the more interesting things I am experiencing , the more I find out that my goal is not a diploma or a degree ,but the physical and mental improvement of myself .
第2个回答  2013-10-16
However, the more interesting things I have experienced, the more I find out that what I should go for is the improvement of body and mind, not just a college degree.追问



第3个回答  2013-10-16
我觉得你的汉语都有问题,可以说是经历了很多有趣的事情之后。然后翻译是,however,after experiencing so much funny things ,I find that what I pursue is mental and physical improvement.
第4个回答  2013-10-16
is 改为was