So I do和So do I的区别是什么


So I do我也一样 表示赞同。o I do“确实这样”、“的确如此”。

“so do I”句型,即“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装结构,可以表示前面的情况也适用于后者,使用该句型需要注意以下六个方面的问题:

1.该句型只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句:如果前句是否定句,则要用“neither /nor +助动词+主语”。 

如: (1)我在这所学校上学,我弟弟也是。 误:I study in this school,neither/nor does my brother. 正:I study in this school,so does my brother.  

(2)我不在这所学校上学,我弟弟也不。 误:I don't study in this school,so does my brother. 正:I don't study in this school,neither/nor does my brother.


如: You saw John in the street,so did I. 你在街上看见了约翰,我也看见了。 

句中主语“You”和“I”不是同一个人,这时要注意与“so I do”句型的区别:“so I do”中,so意为“确实这样”、“的确如此”。如: —Xiao Wang got the first place in the game. —So he did.他确实如此(获得第一)。句中主语“Xiao Wang”和“he”是同一个人。  


如:(1)汤姆是高中生,我也是。 误:Tom is a senior middle school student,so was I. 正:Tom is a senior middle school student,so am I.  

(2)我按时完成了作业,她也完成了。误:I had finished the homework on time,so did she. 正:I had finished the homework on time,so had she.  


误:If you go to the cinema tonight,so do I.

正:If you go to the cinema tonight,so shall I. 

注意:该句的前句是条件从句,因此用一般现在时,而这时主句常用将来时态,故用 shall。 


如: (1)他是个工人,我也是。 

误:He is a worker,so is I. 正:He is a worker,so am I.  


误:I have been to Beijing twice,so have he. 正:I have been to Beijing twice,so has he.  

5.下面三种情况需要用“So it is with sb.”结构。  

(1)当前面的句子中主语支配两个不同种类的谓语动词时,要用“So it is with sb.”结构。

如: Li Ping is a student and studies very hard.So it is with Bob. 李平是个学生并且学习很用功,鲍勃也是如此。  


如: I like potato,but don't like tomato.So it is with my sister. 我喜欢土豆,不喜欢西红柿,我妹妹也是如此。  


如:Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language.So it was with Engels. 马克思出生在德国,德语是他的母语,恩格斯也是如此。 

6.注意不要同“so I do”和“I do so”句型混淆。 

上文2中已经提到了与句型“so I do”的区别,这里不再重复,重点看一下与“I do so”的区别:“I do so”中,so表示“如此;这(那)样”,作代词,代替前句的内容。

如: It is possible for us to accomplish work ahead of time. —I think so.我认为如此。 
