


OMG = Oh my god 我滴神啊当之无愧的第一名缩写,使用程度非常广,已收录至牛津英语大辞典。例句:Did you know Anne was promoted to manager yesterday? OMG, that's wonderful news! 

LOL= Laugh out loud 好好笑;真逗;哈哈哈类似意思的缩写还有:LMAO = Laughing my ass off 屁股笑掉了ROTFL = Rolling on the floor laughing 笑尿了【好笑的程度对比:LMAO > ROTFL > LOL】

例句:just rushed to airport and only to find out that my flight is tomorrow night. LMAO!!! BRB = Be right back 有事,稍等,马上回来暂时离开电脑或者手机一会儿例句:Sorry, someone's calling me. BRB. 

TL; DR =Too long, didn’t read 卧槽,这么长的信息,谁有时间读用来吐槽或者取笑对方的信息太长,没时间读。慎用,友谊小船可能会翻。

例句:Here's what I think of the article: (省略1000字) TL; DR. Better sum up your idea in less than 20 words. 

NSFW = Not Safe For Work 慎点,避开老板当你发送某些不合适在办公室看的视频、图片、对话等给同事时,可以在发送前写上#NSFW 标签,提醒对方慎点。同理,SFW = Safe for work. 

例句:Show you something funny! #NSFWOkie, thanks for the warning. Boss around. I will open it later. LMK/Lmk = Let me know 确定后告诉我例句:If you need anything, LMK.  Okie dokie. 
