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Hockey is a truly Canadian game, totally woven into our national fabric. As the game evolved in Canada and around the world, one thing has been constant, our country has produced the top players, the top administrators, the top teams and has laid the groundwork for hockey operations and associations that have been modelled around the world. This is Canada's game. If you are Canadian, you are introduced to the game early, and it remains a constant. It will be played all around you. It will be on television; it will be in your newspaper, on your radio and it will be discussed on the bus, at the bar or at work. Canada is hockey.

As Canada has become a truly multicultural country, its national winter sport has reflected this diversity. At the North American professional level, hockey is the only truly international sport, with players and coaches from all over the world. Here in Canada, the game also has a mosaic quality. Everybody plays our game - men, women, boys and girls, people of all ages, backgrounds, origins and sizes.
第1个回答  2006-05-04
team that is losing by one or two goals in the last few minutes of play may elect to pull the goalie; that is, removing the goaltender and replacing him or her with an extra attacker on the ice in the hope of gaining enough advantage to score a goal. However, this tactic is extremely risky, and often leads to the opposing team extending their lead by scoring a goal in the empty net.

Although it is officially prohibited in the rules, at the professional level fights are sometimes used to affect morale of the teams, with aggressors hoping to demoralize the opposing players while exciting their own, as well as settling personal scores. Both players in an altercation receive five-minute major penalties for fighting. The player deemed to be the "instigator" of an NHL fight is penalized an additional two minutes for instigating....
第2个回答  2006-05-04