

One billion in English is "one hundred million". Example sentence: One hundred million is quite a large number. One billion is a substantial figure. They hit the Earth roughly every hundred million years or so. A collision with Earth occurs approximately every one hundred million years. Three hundred million dollars will be far from sufficient.
Expanded information: "Billion" refers to one billion in English. There is no direct word for one million in English. Pronunciation:英['brljen'], 美['brljen']. Definition: (1) Noun - a billion; trillion; an enormous number; a great many. (2) Adjective - billionfold; of a billion; innumerable. Example sentence: This year, nearly a billion birds will be processed in the region.
Other usage: Plural form is "billions". "Billion" usage: When used after a number or words like "several," "a few," indicating a number, its plural form is "billions." Or use the plural form followed by "of" (billions of) to express "countless."
The usage of "billion" is similar to "hundred": when the word "billion" is used after a number, whether with or without "of," it is always in the singular form. For example, "five billion" and "five billions" mean different things; the former refers to fifty billion, and the latter to five tens of billions. "Some billion" indicates approximately ten billion, while "some billions" indicates dozens of billions; both "one and a half billions" and "a billion and a half" are correct expressions.
As a noun, "billion" essentially means "ten billion," but it can also mean "ten billion (persons or things)." When "billion" is used as an adjective and is preceded by "a" or another number, it is generally in the singular form; it is in the plural form when used before "of" phrases or to express an indeterminate number.