



Starry sky over the Wild West=西部荒野上的星空

Moonlit desert landscapes-月光下的沙漠景观

Twinkling lightsin theOld West towns-老西部小镇上闪烁的灯光

Silhouettes of cacti against the night sky-夜空下仙人掌的剪影

Desert canyonsbathed in moonlight-月光下的沙漠峡谷

Glowing campfires under a starry canopy-星空下燃烧的篝火

Rustic barnsand farmsunderamoonlit sky-月光下的乡村谷仓和农场

Western saloons aglow with warm light=温暖灯光照亮的西部酒吧

Nighttime rodeos with colorful lights-色彩斑斓的灯光照亮的夜间牛仔竞技表演

Desert sunsets fading intoastarry night=沙漠日落褪去,迎来星空夜晚

Moonlit trails through the western wilderness-月光下穿越西部荒野的小径

Glowing neon signs in western city streets-西部城市街道上闪烁的霓虹灯招牌

Desert mesas illuminated by the moon-月光照亮的沙漠台地

Nighttime horseback rides under a starry sky- 星空下的夜间骑马之旅

Old western ghost towns in the moonlight- 月光下的老西部鬼镇

Cowboy campfires casting flickering shadows-牛仔火投射出摇曳的影子

Desert oasis shimmering under the night sky-夜空下闪烁的沙漠绿洲

Western mountain ranges silhouetted against the night - 夜色中的西部山脉剪影

Historic western landmarks glowing at night - 夜晚灯光照亮的西部历史地标

Nighttime train rides through the western landscape=西部风景中的夜间列车之旅

Moonlit rivers winding through the western valleys - 月光下穿越西部山谷的河流

Glowing campgrounds under a star-filled sky-星空下照亮的露营地

Desert rock formations bathed in moonlight=月光下的沙漠岩石构造

Nighttimerodeo arenas filled with cheering crowds=观众欢呼的夜间牛仔竞技场

Western-style street markets bustling at night=夜晚熙熙攘攘的西式街市

Desert wildlife exploring under amoonlit sky=月光下探索的沙漠野生动物

Rustic western cabins aglow with warm candlelight 温暖蜡烛光照亮的乡村西部小屋Nighttime outdoor concerts under the stars-星空下的夜间户外音乐会

Western festivals illuminated by colorful lights -色彩斑斓的灯光照亮的西部节日

Desert sand dunes shimmering in the moonlight-月光下闪烁的沙漠沙丘

Moonlit horseback rides through the western plains月光下的西部平原骑马之旅

Glowing campfires surrounded by western landscapes西部风景中照亮的篝火

Desert cacti illuminated by the moon's soft glow月光下柔和的光芒照亮的仙人掌

Nighttime cowboys herding cattle under starry skies星空下的夜间牛仔赶着牛群

Old western ghost towns bathed in moonlight - 月光下的老西部鬼镇

Cowboy campgrounds filled with laughter and songs充满笑声和歌曲的牛仔露营地

Desert oasis reflecting the moon's gentle radiance月光下反射温柔光芒的沙漠绿洲

Western mountain peaks glowing in the night - 夜晚中闪耀的西部山峰

Historic western buildings illuminated by soft streetlights柔和街灯照亮的西部历史建筑Nighttime rodeoevents showcasing western skills展示西部技能的夜间牛仔竞技表演Moonlit canyons carving through the western landscape月光下刻画西部风景的峡谷

Glowing western-style taverns bustling with activity充满活力的西式酒馆闪烁着灯光

Desert sandstone formations glowing under the night sky夜空下闪耀的沙漠砂岩构造

Nighttime horse races on western racetracks -西部赛道上的夜间赛马

Old western movie sets bathed in moonlight月光下的老西部电影拍摄场景

Cowboy campfires casting warm glows on rugged faces牛仔篝火在粗犷的面庞上映出温暖的光芒

Desert oasis reflecting the starry night sky星空下反射的沙漠绿洲

Western mountain ranges glowing with a golden hue金色色调中闪耀的西部山脉

Historic western towns illuminated by antique street lamps古老街灯照亮的西部小镇Nighttime chuckwagon dinners under a starlit canopy星空下的夜间牛车晚餐
