
1.医生建议我们勤洗手 2.我父亲终日忙碌,得不到休息(on the go)3.这张老照片使我想起了我的童年(remind) 4.带上雨衣吧,以防下雨(in case) 5.经理病了,约翰接管了公司(take over) 6.一些人浪费食物,而其他人却没有足够的食物 7.知识是一种宝贵的财富 8.主要是由于我的错 9.我将与你们分摊这笔费用 10.请在衣服上标上你的名字 11.那场事故夺走了他的听力(rob) 12.这座新建的体育馆大得能容纳五万人(enough) 13.人们普遍认为中学生应当避免过度使用电脑(It...overuse...) 14.在场的人都认为这位经理缺乏对雇员的尊重(lack,respect) 15.长城是中国的骄傲,世界各地的游客都被它的雄伟所吸引(attract,magnificence)

The doctor suggests us to wash our hands often.
my father is always on the go the whole day and have no time to rest.
this old photo reminds me of my childhood.
Please take the raincoat in case of the rain.
the manage was ill and John took over the company.
some people waste food while others have not enough food.
knowledge is a valuable fortune.
it's mainly my fault.
i will share this expence with you.
please sign your name on the clothes.
that accident robbed his hearing.
this newly build stadium is big enough to contain 50,000 people.
it's widely accepted that middle school students should be avoid of computer oveused.
people presented all agree that this management is lack of the respect for staffs.
the great wall is the prond of China.the visiters all around the world are all attracted by it's magnificance.
第1个回答  2008-08-25
1 the doctor suggests us to wash hands frequently.
2 my father is always on the go and have no time to rest.
3 this old picture reminds me my childhood
4 bring your raincoat in case it rains
5 john took over the company 'cause the manager was ill
6 some people waste food , though others don't have enough to eat
7 knowledge is precious treasure
8 it's mainly my fault
9 i'll share the cost with you
10 please sign your name on the clothes
11 the accident robbed his hearing
12 this new gym is big enough to hold 50,000 audience
13 it's accept commonly that high school students shouln't overuse computer
14 everyone who's present thought the manager lacked respect to the employees
15 China is proud of the great wall, which attracts tourists all over the world by its magnificence.
第2个回答  2008-08-25
1、 The doctor suggests us to wash hands frequently.
2 、My father is always on the go and have no time to rest.
3 、This old picture reminds me my childhood .
4、 Bring your raincoat in case it rains .
5、 John took over the company 'cause the manager was ill .
6、 Some people waste food , though others don't have enough to eat .
7 、Knowledge is precious treasure .
8 、It's mainly my fault.
9 、I'll share the cost with you .
10 、Please sign your name on the clothes .
11 、The accident robbed his hearing .
12 、This new gym is big enough to hold 50,000 audience .
13、 It's accept commonly that high school students shouln't overuse computer .
14 、Everyone who's present thought the manager lacked respect to the employees .
15 、China is proud of the great wall, which attracts tourists all over the world by its magnificence.
第3个回答  2008-08-25
1 The doctor suggested us washing hands frequently.
2 My father was daylong on the go and had little rest.
3 The old photo reminds me pf my childhood.
4 Taking the raincoat,in case it may rain.
5 The manager was ill,and john took over the company.
6 Someone are wasting food while others do not have enough food.
7 Knowledge is a sort of precious property.
8 It's mainly my fault.
9 I will share this charge with you.
10 Please sign your name on this coat.
11 That accident robbed her audition.
12 The new Sports stadium is big enough to hold 50,000.
第4个回答  2008-08-25
1.The doctor suggests that we should wash our hands frequently .
2.My father is on the go all day and he doesn't have a rest.
3.This old picture reminds me of my childhood.
4.Bring raincoat with you,in case it is rainning.
5.The manager is sick,so John takes overthe company.
6.Some people waste food while others don't have enough food.
7.The knowledge is a valuable wealth.
8.It is mainly my mistake.
9.I'll divide the cost with you.
10.Write down your name in the clothes,please.
11.That accident robbed his hearing.
12.The new stadium is large enough for 50,000 people.
13.People generally believe it should be avoided that overuse of computer for students .
14.People,who are present,think that manager
lacks of respection to the employees.
15.Great Wall is Chinese pride.The tourists from all over the world are attracted by its magnificence.