be excited for和be excited about有什么区别呢?


关于 be excited with 和be excited about 的区别,由我来给大家解答一下吧 ヾ(•ω•`)o。

咱们大体了解一下👉🏻:"Be excited with" 强调与其他人一起分享或感受到兴奋的情绪;"be excited about" 强调对某个事物或情况感到兴奋。前者描述共同兴奋的场景,后者描述个体对特定事物的兴奋感受。

再来看一个表格来比对一下 be excited with 和be excited about:


再看一下 be excited with 和be excited about 的具体区别,让我们轻松拿捏🤏:

    区别1:"Be excited with" 强调共同体验兴奋的情感,而 "be excited about" 强调对特定事物感到兴奋。

例子1: The fans are excited with the team's victory. (球迷们对球队的胜利感到兴奋。) 

例子2: She is excited about the opportunity to travel to a new country. (她对有机会去一个新国家旅行感到兴奋。)

    区别2:"Be excited with" 可以用于描述共同的兴奋感,而 "be excited about" 更常用于个人的兴奋感。

例子1: The kids are excited with the idea of a surprise party for their friend. (孩子们对为朋友准备惊喜派对的想法感到兴奋。) 

例子2: Jane is excited about her graduation day. (简对她的毕业典礼日感到兴奋。)

    区别3:"Be excited with" 指与某人一起分享兴奋,而 "be excited about" 更多地强调兴奋的原因或对象。

例子1: I am excited with my sister's success. (我与我姐姐的成功一起分享兴奋。) 

例子2: The team is excited about the championship match. (团队对冠军赛感到兴奋。)

    区别4:"Be excited with" 可以强调在特定环境或氛围中共同感受兴奋,而 "be excited about" 强调更个人的内心感受。

例子1: The crowd is excited with the thrilling performance of the circus. (人群在观赏马戏团的精彩表演时感到兴奋。) 

例子2: He is excited about the prospect of starting his own business. (他对创办自己的事业前景感到兴奋。)
