

英雄台词英文 中文翻译 Upon selection 选人 "What is broken can be reforged!" 断剑重铸之日,骑士归来之时! Movement/Attacking 移动/攻击 "My hands are stained." 我的双手沾满了罪孽. "So long I've wandered..." 我已经流浪了如此之久 "My spirit is not lost!" 我的斗志还没有失去! "How should I proceed?" 我该怎样继续前行。 "A sword mirrors its owner." 阅剑知其主。 "Choose your own path." 选择你自己的路。 "Learn from your mistakes." 前车之鉴,后车之师。 "They've crossed the line!" 他们已经跨过了那条线! "Violence to end the violence." 以暴 止暴 "So much death..." 如此多的死亡… "A necessary strike." 一次必要的突击 "For those who were lost." 为了那些已经迷失的人。 "It must come to past." 这一切必须结束. "No looking back." 不要回首过往。 "I know my purpose." 十分清楚和明确 "A moment of clarity." 是时候清理干净了 "No more hesitation." 不要犹豫! "Leave doubt behind." 将怀疑抛诸脑后。 Upon using Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile 大招 "I am awakened." 我已经觉醒了! "There is no other way." 没有其他的路可以选择。 "They cannot go unpunished!" 他们不能逍遥而去! "The time for talk is over." 闲聊时间已经结束了。 Taunt 挑衅 "A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you!" 和你们这样的人打,就算剑是断的,整个局面我也能hold住。 Taunt when using Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile 技能中 "You are beyond redemption!" 你已经无可救赎! Joke 玩笑 Sighs) "I knew I should have sprung for the blade warranty." 我该早点儿给我的剑买保险的。 以上内容来自:
