

六年级上册人教版英语练习册地4页.......... 我家有三口人,分别使用不同的交通工具。 爸爸上班开轿车,我家的轿车是新买的。他离单位很远,每天要开车一个小时才到。 妈妈上班坐公共汽车,公共汽车站就在我家附近,每十分钟就有一辆公交车,很方便。 我骑自行车上学。学校就在家的旁边,只需要三分钟就可以到达,有时,我会步行到学校。 到了星期六,我们全家人就坐轿车去玩,还是由爸爸开车,我们很幸福。 如果出远门,那么大家都坐火车或者汽车,很安全。 There are three people in my family. We use different means of transportation. My father goes to work on his car. The car is new. His company is far away. He drives an hour every day. My mother goes to work by bus. The bus station is near our house. Every ten minutes there is a bus. It's so convenient. I ride my bike to school. The school is next to the house. I only need three minutes to get to school. Sometimes, I walk to school. On Saturday, my family go to play. Dad drives a car. We are happy very much. When traveling, we all take a train or bus.It is very safe. 链接:http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=JDkPQMtnYiVgR_TVKY6bWU0F96ZM9Nd9e-dU0UEW6L2QsPBpiCyqlt3QG7_ZamTlHmgDj7KA_2JvI7KjqYENg_