英语定语从句部求解分 高手答谢谢了

Is this the factory _______ you visited the other day?
这道题为什么要用that 或者 which 。不能用 where.
那 this is the place where i live. 这句话 为什么能用 where 了又? 请高手从语法上详细讲解下谢谢。

that和which在名词性从句中充当引导词 专用于引导解释句中的名词(主语)

拆解句子:Is(是不是 谓语) this(代词 形式主语) the factory(限定名词-即带有定冠词the的名词 主语) that/which(引导词 引导后面的从句)  you(人称代词 从句主语) visited(动词 从句谓语) the other day(从句时间状语)?

还原句子:This is the factory that/which you visited the other day.

至于后面那个句子 This is the place where I live.

表达中心为“Place” 是一个地方 地点 where可以引导地点状语从句

还原形式为:Where I live is here.(我就住在这里)

类似的引导词还有when who whose和how





e.g. I was born in a time when the world is yet to be in danger of climate change.

e.g. She is the girl who makes us all proud.

e.g. The man whose outfit is shining is my friend.

e.g. I want to know how exactly can I make an omelet without breaking an egg?

大概酱 有问题欢迎追问

第1个回答  2018-01-02
Is this the factory _______ you visited the other day?
用that 或者 which,是因为that 或者 which在从句中作visited的宾语,而where是副词,不可以;
this is the place where i live. 这句话 为什么能用 where ,是因为live是不及物动词,没有宾语,where在从句中作状语本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2018-01-02
you visited the factory -> you visited which->which you visited
i live here->i live where -> where i live追问

嗯谢谢。为啥第一个不能用 where 这个词,就仅仅因为factory是个东西吗?但我觉得factory 也是个地方啊。呜呜u


