

第1个回答  2022-11-12
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习


普希金1799年出生在莫斯科的一个贵族家庭,在校期间,他的诗歌才能已经开始显露出来。1817年,普希金毕业后在外交部任职,在十二月党人影响下,这时期普希金写下了不少政治抒情诗,抨击专制制度、歌颂自由和同情人民的不幸,如《自由颂》(1817)、《乡村》(1819)等。 普希金的政治抒情诗产生了很大的影响,为此他被沙皇 *** 政治流放到了南俄。南方流放的后期, 普希金放逐到他母亲的领地, 软禁了起来。他中断了与十二月党人的联系,但接近了农奴制度下的农村生活和俄罗斯普通的人民。他在这二年里经常到集市上听农民谈话和唱歌,并十分注意收集民间故事。这两年里,普希金创作了不少优秀的作品,如《致大海》和《假如生活欺骗了你》等几十首抒情诗。

就在他被软禁在乡间的时候 ,彼得堡爆发了十二月党人起义,新上台的沙皇尼古拉一世为了拉拢诗人为其服务,决定将其召回莫斯科。这时期,普希金写下了不少热情赞扬十二月党人的崇高志向的诗歌,《致西伯利亚的囚徒》就是其中著名的一首。

普希金与冈察罗娃结婚后,定居彼得堡。他的行动仍受到沙皇 *** 的监视。这一时期,普希金在创作上仍不断有优秀作品出现,如小说《上尉的女儿》、《黑桃皇后》,抒情诗《致诗人》、《秋天》和《纪念碑》等30年代中期,普希金与当局的矛盾日益加剧,此时一个法国流亡贵族丹特士追逐他的妻子,丹特士对他妻子的一再挑逗侮辱,为了自己和妻子的荣誉,更为了维护自己倡导的俄罗斯精神的旗子不被玷污,普希金不得不站在了生与死的决斗场上。普希金于1837年 2月8日与丹特士决斗,肺部中弹,两天后去世。


Pusin was born in 1799 in a Moscow's noble family. In the school, his talent in poetry had already started to reveal. In 1817, after graduated ,Pusin worked in the office in Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Under the influence of December party members, Pusin had written down many political lyric poetry in the period to attack despotic system, encourage freedom and sympathize with the people of poor, such as<<Praised Freely>>"(1817), "<<Village>>" (1819) and so on.Pusin's political lyric poetry was so deeply influence that the czar government exiled him to south Russia.In the later period of the south exiles, Pusin was exiled to his mother's territory, and arrested. He lost in touch with December party members , but approached to the village life with the Russian ordinary people under the serf system. He usually listened to the farmer chatting and singing in these o years, and payed much more attention to the collection of the folk tales .In these o years, Pusin has created many outstanding works, like<<Send to Sea>> and<<If Lived Has deceived You>> and several other dozens of lyric poetries.

During the period he was arrested in village , December party member started revolution in the Peter fort, czar Nicolay 1st newly came on stage wanted the poet to serve for him and decided to recalled him back Moscow. This period, Pusin had created many poetry to praise December party members. <<Send to Siberia's Convict>>is the most famous one among them.

After the marriage to Gancaluowa, he settled down in the Peter fort. His actions were still supervised by the czar government . This period, Pusin still created many outstanding works, like the novel<<Captain's Daughter>>,<<Spade Empres>>, the lyric poetry <<Sent Poe>>,<<Autume>> and <<Monument>> and so on .In the 30's intermediate stages, Pusin and the authority’s contradiction intensified day by day,This time a France noble Dante pursued his wife, the Dante humiliated his wife repeatedly.For himself and his wife's honor, what ‘s more to maintaine the Russian spirit flag, Pusin could not but stand in the field of fighting . Pusin and the Dante PKed each other on February 8, 1837,and the lungs was hit, and died after o days.

不会翻译 就不要翻译啊 这些用机器翻译的人啊 多害人啊 如果人家相信了你 拿去演讲 多让人笑话啊 误人子弟