
秋田的头骨大、头盖顶部稍平、额宽、无皱,有明显的纵沟和适度的凹处,面颊部相当发达。 颈部强劲、粗壮且结实。耳朵稍小,呈厚三角形且稍向前倾,耳线直立紧贴。 眼睛稍俱三角形,外毗稍上方呈深褐色。身体方面秋田的胸深而肋骨发达,前胸发达。

第1个回答  推荐于2016-08-09
秋田的头骨大、头盖顶部稍平、额宽、无皱,有明显的纵沟和适度的凹处,面颊部相当发达。 颈部强劲、粗壮且结实。

The top of Akita's skull, slightly flat, wide forehead, wrinkle free, apparent longitudinal groove and moderately concave, cheek is developed. The neck is strong, muscular and strong.
耳朵稍小,呈厚三角形且稍向前倾,耳线直立紧贴。 眼睛稍俱三角形,外毗稍上方呈深褐色。
The ear is small, triangular and slightly forward, standing close to the ear line. The eyes areslightly outside the triangle, slightly above the dark brown.

The chest is deep and rich Akita ribs, chest developed本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-04-15
In Akita, at the top of skull skull slightly flat, wide forehead, wrinkle free,apparent longitudinal groove and moderately concave, cheek is developed. The neck is strong, muscular and strong. The ear is small, triangular and slightly forward,standing close to the ear line. The eyes are slightly outside the triangle, slightly above the dark brown. The body of the chest is deep and rich Akita ribs, chestdeveloped.