

第1个回答  2022-11-15

一 找一篇英语寓言故事(十句话)

Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake .

People came from far and near to see what would happen.

"A great river will be born." said one.

"Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will e out." said another.

"A god himself will spring form these rocks." said a third.

Finally , after days of expectation a *** all crack appeared in the mountain. And out popped ---- a mouse.

Just because someone makes a lot of fuss, it doesn't mean he is important.



二 寓言故事(英语)


三 写一个带有寓言故事的英语作文

Once upon a time there was a foolish old man, there are o big mountains near his home, so out of the way. He said to his family: all of you to help me move mountains. The foolish old man a day to move mountains and the earth and stone into the sea. One day, the foolish old man moved mountains when an old man said to him: you are weak and not move mountains. He said, the old man said: Although I died, and my family continue to dig the mountain, my family has grown, and the mountain is not high, can be g ping! God was moved by the old man, the other o god sent out these o mountains。

四 谁能提供一个寓言故事,要用英语写的,字数不用太多。

The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子

A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

Zeal should not outrun discretion.

有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过 去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。


The Raven and the Swan乌鸦和天鹅

A RAVEN saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swan's splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools. But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished.

Change of habit cannot alter Nature.

乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无 瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一 点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。

五 英语寓言故事小短文加翻译





Standing on the roof of a *** all goat and the Wolf

Kid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him, and laughed at him. The Wolf said, "oh, buddy, scold me is not you, but your terrain.
This story to illustrate, dili and cat often give a person the courage to fight against the strong.


小山羊站在屋顶上,看见狼从底下走过,便谩骂他,嘲笑他。狼说道:“啊,伙计,骂 我的不是你,而是你所处的.地势。




六 写一篇介绍寓言故事的英语作文

There was once a farmer, raised a few sheep, grazing day, evening rush into a surrounded by firewood and wood piles and other objects within the fold.

One morning, the sheep herders to, found a sheep less. Original pen broke a hole, the night the wolf came in from the holes drilled, a sheep Diao away.

Neighbor advised him: "hurry the sheepfold, plug the hole."

He said: "the sheep have been lost, but also to repair pen do?" Do not accept a neighbor's well intentioned advice.

The very next day morning, he went to the sheep, found it less of a sheep. Originally wolf again from the hole in the pen, and carried off a sheep.

The herd *** en are regret not recognized directly by the neighbour's advice, to take timely remedial measures. So, he quickly plug that hole, and from the overall reinforcement, the sheepfold so real.

Since then, the herd *** en of the sheep will never be wolf 叼 walking through.

The story tells us: make a mistake, suffered a setback, it is a mon phenomenon. As long as you can draw lessons, to take timely remedial measures, can avoid to continue to make mistakes, suffer greater losses

七 英语寓言故事带翻译

Standing on the roof of a *** all goat and the Wolf
Kid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him,and laughed at him.The Wolf said,"oh,buddy,scold me is not you,but your terrain."
This story to illustrate,dili and cat often give a person the courage to fight against the strong.翻译:站在屋顶的小山羊与狼
小山羊站在屋顶上,看见狼从底下走过,便谩骂他,嘲笑他.狼说道:“啊,伙计,骂 我的不是你,而是你所处的地势.”
The simple English fable:The dog and the wolf
A wolf was almost dead with hunger.A house-dog saw him,and asked,"Friend,your irregular life will soon ruin you.
"Why don't you work steadily as I do,and get your food regularly?"
"I would have no objection," said the wolf,"if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog."Come with me to my master,and you shall share my work."
So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck.
He felt quite surprised,and asked him why it was like that?
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"Oh,it is nothing," said the dog."Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up.You will soon get used to it."
"Is that the only reason?" said the wolf."Then good-bye to you,my friend.I would rather be free."
Better late than never
Once upon a time there lived a nomadic,raise dozens of sheep,grazing ring the day,night into a with straw and wooden objects inside the shelter.
One morning,the herd *** en to the sheep,found little a sheep.Original pen broke a hole,night Wolf out of the hole drilled to e in,put a sheep diao away.
Neighbor advised him said:"the sheepfold quickly repaired,the hole plug."
He said:"the sheep have been lost,but also to repair the sheep pen do?" Didn't accept his neighbor's kind advice.
The next morning,he went to sheep and found a sheep was missing.Originally the Wolf from the inside of the hole into the sheepfold,and walked a sheep diao.
The herd *** en regret not to recognize directly by the neighbor's advice,to take timely remedial measures.So he quickly plug that hole,again from the overall reinforcement,firmly and mend the sheepfold.
Since then,the sheep herders have never been Wolf diao has e.
Herd *** en's story tells us:make a mistake,suffer setbacks,it is a mon phenomenon.As long as can learn seriously,to take remedial measures in time,can avoid continue to make mistakes,suffer greater losses.
邻居劝告他说:“赶快把羊圈修一修,堵上那个窟窿吧.” 他说:“羊已经丢了,还去修羊圈干什么呢?”没有接受邻居的好心劝告.

八 “英语寓言故事”用英文怎么写 还有别的回答吗

English fable story

九 英语寓言故事

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to e and lay around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow... He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.


Time went by... the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I don’t have money...but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.


One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don’t have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.


One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree said. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time. The tree was happy, but it was not true.


Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you...” the tree said.

“I don’t have teeth to bite,” the boy replied.



“No more trunk for you to climb on.”

“I am too old for that now,” the boy said.

“I really can’t give you anything... the only thing left is my dying roots,” the tree said with tears.




“I don’t need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied.

“Good! Old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. Come, Come sit down with me and rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and *** iled with tears...



This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad... When we grown up, we left them, and only came to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could to make you happy. You may think that the boy is cruel to the tree but that’s how all of us are treating our parents.


Take time out ring the day for quiet time to listen to your inner voice. You may want to use your quiet time to meditate or pray. However you use this time, the key is to shut out all of the noise around you by focusing deep within yourself. Breathing deeply ring quiet time will also help you focus. I know it’s hard to find quiet time ring a particularly busy day, but it’s so important — even if it’s just 10 minutes a day and you have to sneak away to get it. Quiet time can really make a difference in your life. It enables you to hear God speaking to your heart reminding you of His perfect love for you.


Be honest with yourself by paying attention to your actions. Actions speak louder than words, and they always tell the truth. What do your actions say about you? If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more true — your words or your actions? On the other hand, if you say you’re not good at a certain job, but your actions say otherwise, that’s also important. What do you do with this insight? You can use it to make more beneficial choices in your life. By being honest with yourself based on your previous actions, your actions moving forward will be based on truth instead of just what you tell yourself.


Despite what your subconscious may be telling you, you can have love with no limits. The key is to unconditionally love yourself first.

