

第1个回答  2024-04-19


    RG: Retailer Group - 零售集团
    PG: Promotional Girl - 促销活动中的女性工作人员
    FMCG: Fast-Moving Consumer Goods - 快速消费品
    DA: Distribution and Assortment - 分销和商品组合
    Location: Store Location - 营业地址
    Display: Visual Merchandising - 商品陈列艺术
    Pricing: Cost of Sale - 销售价格策略
    Inventory: Stock Management - 库存控制
    Merchandising: Product Promotion - 商品助销
    Promotion: Marketing Campaigns - 促销活动
    KA: Key Account Management - 关键客户关系管理
    SM: Shopping Mall - 大型购物中心
    HYM: Hypermarket - 大型超市
    SPM: Supermarket - 超市,按规模或类型区分
    C&C: Club Stores - 仓储式会员店
    CVS: Convenience Store - 便利店
    DSD: Direct Store Delivery - 直接配送到店
    DC: Distribution Center - 配送中心
    TPL: Third-party Logistics - 第三方物流
    SKU: Stock Keeping Unit - 商品库存单位
    UPC: Universal Product Code - 通用产品代码
    Bar Code: Barcode - 条形码
    Display Types: Slim, TC, AC, TP, PET - 包装类型
    POP: Point of Purchase Advertising - 购物点广告
    Price Discount: Sale or Discount Offer - 价格折扣
    On-Pack: In-Product Promotions - 包装内促销
    Sampling: Product Tasting - 试吃活动
    Road Show: Outdoor Promotions - 路演促销
    DM: Direct Mail Marketing - 直邮广告
    PR: Public Relations - 公关策略
    NP: Newspaper Advertising - 报纸广告
    AD: Advertising - 广告投放
    GRP: Gross Rating Point - 广告接触点

      Loyalty: Customer Loyalty - 忠诚度
      Penetration: Market Penetration - 市场渗透率
      ValueShare: Market Share - 市场份额
      AVE, WTD, NUM, PP, YA: Various Financial Ratios - 不同财务比率
      VOL, VAL: Sales and Revenue Metrics - 销售和收益指标

    Timeframes: YTD, MTD, SPPD, BTL, ATL - 业绩时间范围和度量
    Supply Chain Management: ABC Analysis, U&A, FGD - 供应链分析与方法
    Store Operations: StoreCheck, Sales Reps - 店面管理与销售代表
    Executive Roles: UM, GM, GMDR, VP, CFO, CIO - 高管职位
