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第1个回答  2009-02-19

Comrade Mao Zedong's peasant sports workshops hosted by the former site of Memorial Hall, located in Guangzhou City, No. 42 Zhongshan four. The former site of the former Palace Panyu school (Temple), was founded in 1370 (Ming-Hong Wu for three years). This grand old building from the south to north by the stars lattice door, Pan-Chyr, Arch, Shing Mun, Tai Shing Temple, the Temple and Tsung Two Corridors on both sides, the two veranda, Minglun Hall and so on. 

The formation of the first KMT-CPC cooperation, the rapid development of the National Revolutionary Movement. In order to tie in with the upcoming Northern Expedition, the development of the national peasant movement, in May 1926 to September, Mao Zedong director of the sixth workshop where this sport peasant organizing, Zhou Enlai, Chu Xiao F, Peng Pai, Yun Daiying permanent party members, etc. teachers. From 20 provinces and autonomous regions of 327 students, studying in the peasant movement theories and methods, to strict military training, take part in revolutionary struggle. Students after graduation went all over the country, the leadership of the peasant movement, to join the great practice of the new democratic revolution. Farmers say the former site of the ancient building of great historical significance to become the revolutionary memorial. 

Mao Zedong, in addition to serving as director, responsible for the Treasury job, but also personally taught to the students of the "Chinese peasant question", "Rural Education", "Geography" three courses. Mao Zedong's "China's social class analysis" of the main contents were taught here. To Marxism-Leninism Mao's class analysis, China's social economic status of the class and its political attitude made a scientific analysis. Mao Zedong was also editor of a "series peasant question", published a total of 26 kinds, in order to promote the farmers to provide theoretical guidance for the development of sport. Mao personally wrote a preface for the series "National Movement and the peasant movement," Theory of the peasant movement has made great pioneering exploration. 

After new China was founded, the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Government attached great importance to this revolution in the former site of the repair job rehabilitation and public education. In 1953, Comrade Mao Zedong set up sports workshops hosted by the former site of Farmer Memorial Hall of Zhou Enlai personally for the site title. In 1961, the State Council announced the Canton Farmer sports site workshop for key national heritage conservation units. In 1994, the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee, Municipal People's Government released the first batch of the bases for patriotic education. In 2001, by the CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department announced the second batch of national demonstration bases for patriotic education. In 2005 by the National Development and Reform Commission and other ministries named classic red tourism as a national scenic area. 

Farmers say the site, the then director of the Office of Academic Affairs, the Department of military training, classroom, student hostels, etc. according to the original layout, and Des have "farmers say the recovery site to display" exhibition, seeking truth from facts to show the first session to stresses the sixth agricultural history. At the same time, with the party's line, principles, policies, organized by the rich tradition of patriotism and revolutionary educational exhibitions. Self-built museum, the farmers say the site has received more than 2000 million viewers, but also to greet the tens of thousands from all over the world on five continents international friends. 

I repaired the Panyu Museum Palace Road school building of Minglun Ji Tong Tong and optical display has金身statue of Confucius, Guangdong贡院model, recovery of the imperial examination room, etc.. Also set up "Confucius and Confucianism", "Chinese imperial examination culture", "Guangdong Science Palace" and other exhibitions. Opening ceremony Pen Panyu Xue Gong are traditional an important part of culture. School opened ancient pen, commonly known as "breaking Mongolia", began to express children's literacy Raymond, which start in life. Opening ceremony set of T fixed procedures: students dressed in ancient costumes, the first palace in school under the guidance of staff, Pan Xue Gong bypass lap pool, commonly known as the "unicorn lead the way." After the front came Minglun, prompting drums to salute Confucius.礼毕by the introduction of seat Guoxue Teacher, Poem reading, writing描红, cinnabar mole point. Finally, went to Tan Kwai Shue ago, won the Wishing.

第2个回答  2009-03-11
第3个回答  2009-02-19
第4个回答  2009-02-20
第5个回答  2009-03-11
Comrade Mao Zedong's peasant sports workshops hosted by the former site of Memorial Hall, located in Guangzhou City, No. 42 Zhongshan four. The former site of the former Palace Panyu school (Temple), was founded in 1370 (Ming-Hong Wu for three years). This grand old building from the south to north by the stars lattice door, Pan-Chyr, Arch, Shing Mun, Tai Shing Temple, the Temple and Tsung Two Corridors on both sides, the two veranda, Minglun Hall and so on.

The formation of the first KMT-CPC cooperation, the rapid development of the National Revolutionary Movement. In order to tie in with the upcoming Northern Expedition, the development of the national peasant movement, in May 1926 to September, Mao Zedong director of the sixth workshop where this sport peasant organizing, Zhou Enlai, Chu Xiao F, Peng Pai, Yun Daiying permanent party members, etc. teachers. From 20 provinces and autonomous regions of 327 students, studying in the peasant movement theories and methods, to strict military training, take part in revolutionary struggle. Students after graduation went all over the country, the leadership of the peasant movement, to join the great practice of the new democratic revolution. Farmers say the former site of the ancient building of great historical significance to become the revolutionary memorial.

Mao Zedong, in addition to serving as director, responsible for the Treasury job, but also personally taught to the students of the "Chinese peasant question", "Rural Education", "Geography" three courses. Mao Zedong's "China's social class analysis" of the main contents were taught here. To Marxism-Leninism Mao's class analysis, China's social economic status of the class and its political attitude made a scientific analysis. Mao Zedong was also editor of a "series peasant question", published a total of 26 kinds, in order to promote the farmers to provide theoretical guidance for the development of sport. Mao personally wrote a preface for the series "National Movement and the peasant movement," Theory of the peasant movement has made great pioneering exploration.

After new China was founded, the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Government attached great importance to this revolution in the former site of the repair job rehabilitation and public education. In 1953, Comrade Mao Zedong set up sports workshops hosted by the former site of Farmer Memorial Hall of Zhou Enlai personally for the site title. In 1961, the State Council announced the Canton Farmer sports site workshop for key national heritage conservation units. In 1994, the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee, Municipal People's Government released the first batch of the bases for patriotic education. In 2001, by the CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department announced the second batch of national demonstration bases for patriotic education. In 2005 by the National Development and Reform Commission and other ministries named classic red tourism as a national scenic area.

Farmers say the site, the then director of the Office of Academic Affairs, the Department of military training, classroom, student hostels, etc. according to the original layout, and Des have "farmers say the recovery site to display" exhibition, seeking truth from facts to show the first session to stresses the sixth agricultural history. At the same time, with the party's line, principles, policies, organized by the rich tradition of patriotism and revolutionary educational exhibitions. Self-built museum, the farmers say the site has received more than 2000 million viewers, but also to greet the tens of thousands from all over the world on five continents international friends.

I repaired the Panyu Museum Palace Road school building of Minglun Ji Tong Tong and optical display has金身statue of Confucius, Guangdong贡院model, recovery of the imperial examination room, etc.. Also set up "Confucius and Confucianism", "Chinese imperial examination culture", "Guangdong Science Palace" and other exhibitions. Opening ceremony Pen Panyu Xue Gong are traditional an important part of culture. School opened ancient pen, commonly known as "breaking Mongolia", began to express children's literacy Raymond, which start in life. Opening ceremony set of T fixed procedures: students dressed in ancient costumes, the first palace in school under the guidance of staff, Pan Xue Gong bypass lap pool, commonly known as the "unicorn lead the way." After the front came Minglun, prompting drums to salute Confucius.礼毕by the introduction of seat Guoxue Teacher, Poem reading, writing描红, cinnabar mole point. Finally, went to Tan Kwai Shue ago, won the Wishing.