
Once there was on old farmer. The farmer worked hard all his life. He had three sons, and they were all lazy boys. He wanted them to become good farmers.
One day the farmer felt ill, and he was dying. He called his sons to him and said, "Boys, I'm going to leave you. There's a lot of gold hidden in the fields. Go and dig for it. It is all I have to give you."
After the farmer died, the three sons went to look for the gold in the fields. They didn't know where the hidden treasure was. They dug all over the fields, and yet they turned up fields so well.
The next autumn, they had a very good harvest. When the three sons got a lot of money after they sold the grain, they came to know what their father's words were there's gold hidden in the fields, dig gor it. The best treasure was what they got from hard work.

第1个回答  2013-03-09
2011-07-29 08:53从前有一个老农夫。这个农夫一生都辛勤工作。他有三个儿子,而且他们都很懒。他想让他们成为优秀的农夫。
第2个回答  2011-07-29
曾经有一位老农,他毕生辛勤劳作,但他的三个儿子却格外懒惰。老农一心想使他们变成很好的农民。 一天,老农颇感不适,他自知已经日薄西山了。老农唤来三个儿子,“我的儿子,我将离开你们了。在土地之中蕴藏着许多黄金,去将它们挖出。这便是我留给你们的全部。”
老农去世后,三个儿子在田地中寻找黄金,他们不知宝藏究竟藏在何处。他们挖遍所有田地,于是土地被翻动得更为松软。 又一个秋天来临,他们收获丰厚。当三个儿子卖了粮食,获得一大笔钱时,他们开始懂得父亲的话,“在土地之中蕴藏着许多黄金,挖掘寻找它们。”真正的宝藏在于辛勤劳作后的收获。
第3个回答  2011-07-29