
1.calm```down 2. be concerned about 3.go through 4.set down 5. a series of 6.grow crazy about 7.in order to 8.face to face 9.no longer any longer 10.suffer from 11.get along with 12.fall in love 13.jion in 14.add up 各造两个句子。。。急急急

第1个回答  2011-07-14
1. Please clam down.
I can't clam down!
2.Son you should be concerned about your grade.
You should be concerned about your health.
3.After you go through the subway, you will reach to the bus stop.
He go through a hard life.
4.I had set down a table for two .
Please help me set down this tent.
5.A series of his comic, had being sell to a anime company.
One Piece is a series of anime.
6.She grow crazy about Justin Bieber.
May don't grow crazy about him, he's a cheater.
7.Mr.Wang, in order to join our group, you have to pay 1200 dollars.
In order to get a A in the test, all answers mush be correct
8.These two boxer are having a face to face battle.
They are face to face, which made them to blush.
9.I can wait no longer, any longer for her !
This won't take no longer, any longer then five minutes.
10.He had suffer from a cold.
They had suffer from a poor life.
11.Sandy don't get alone with dogs.
Jim don't get alone with his parents.
12.Did you fall in love for someone?t
I can't fall in love with you Kevin.
13.Join in our membership for discount.
Join in this class and you will earn extra point in your report card.
14.When this two is add up, there will be big trouble.
Two classes add up to sixty people.
第2个回答  2011-07-13
第3个回答  2011-07-13


第4个回答  2011-07-13
第5个回答  2011-07-13
第6个回答  2011-07-13
这么简单还不会 啊?(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……追问



I am concerned about my exam results.




I have a series of questions to ask. I fall in love with a beautiful girl.


